38. Bloom

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Vanessa drove to the mall her mood a little in the ground but she wasn't going to stop looking for a job, I blew that opportunity, of course, she's not going to hire some girl who sleeps with her boss. Vanessa strolled into the mall in flip flops she had in the car, she made her way to the supermarket and went directly to the fridges. She grabbed a tub of 'Ben & Jerry's' Mint chocolate cookie ice cream, which was her favorite. She made her way to the cashier, and instead of having her usual chat with Ann, she just drifted through the line and out the door. In the silence of her thinking, the shriek of a car horn threw her from overthinking, a black car past inches from her, her heart raced as he life flashed before her eyes. She gathered herself and cautiously walked to her car, and wondered why she hadn't heard anyone yet. She grabbed her phone as she pulled out on the road, she turned it on to give Danesha a call when she was greeted by Derek calling her,

"Hi babe," she said sounding genuinely happy

"Hello to the newest nurse at Berkham Hospital" Derek's voice killed her joy in seconds,

"Oh, yea...." she couldn't hide the sadness in her voice,

"What? you didn-"

"I don't know, I don't think so, I kinda told her why I left Matthew's practice I don't even know why she asked that I just answered so stupid and- and her mood just died after I said what I did, I'm not going to get it"

"Babe, babe relax come on, what did you say"

"I said I was in a relationship with him which was unprofessional and-and"

"Shhh come on I know, babe look you told her the truth you didn't half-ass it, you told her what happened and it was brave, you were honest even though you probably think she hated that, she sees you've seen your mistakes and you're woman enough to tell her" Vanessa's big brown eyes pooled with water as she listened to him give her a little pep talk, she wiped them away He's right

"I love you, ya know that" she giggled wiping the tears away,

"I know you do, and WHEN she calls you to tell you, you got the job imma be home quickly after to show you how much I love you" his voice darkened

"I honestly can't wait, I miss you babe, and I love you soo much"

"I just love hearing you say that I love you too baby, now go home chill and eat that ice cream"

"How the hel-"

"Bye bye baby," he said hanging up, she smiled and tossed her phone into the passenger seat and headed home.


The days flew by so quickly, between cleaning, sleeping and finishing off her 4th tub of ice cream it was Friday and Vanessa didn't even notice, she rolled over in bed, another day without any call from Berkham Hospital. Vanessa had just given up on that job when she was in the shower, enjoying the water as the flowed between her legs. She tossed her leg onto the little ledge were she put her soap, the water lashed against her clit as she arched her back to let the water have full access to her body. The water cascaded down between her breast since Derek was gone her body ached for attention, her hands glided down her core and her fingers gently glide across her folds. Her natural juices and the mixture of water allowed her to slip a finger into her warm aching sex, she sighed as she began to slowly work her digit. She eased another finger in effortlessly, she worked up a rhythm, her moans grew as she worked herself up to an orgasm, she groped her breasts, pinched her nipples as she could feel the deep sensation growing beneath her surface, she chewed on her lip as she tried to stifle the explosion which was about to escape from her lips, when the phone rang dragging her fro her trance, her motions slowed to a stop as she ran wet and naked across the house to the phone, on the fifth ring she got it,

"Hello," she said her activities still heavy in her tone

"Hello, Vanessa?" the light airy voice of Veronica was now replaced with a stern voice,

"Yes, it's me" she swallowed hard,

"It's Veronica, calling about the position at our Hospital" Duh why else would you be calling,


"Well from the interview and your resume, I believe" she paused holding Vanessa in wet suspense, "You're going to be a great addition to our team" Vanessa felt that sensation of an explosion occurring, she almost hit the roof. She was bursting at the seams,

"Thank you, thank you so much" Veronica could sense her grin from the other side of the phone,

"Your welcome, training begins next week, until then we'll be in touch"

Vanessa danced in the water which pooled at her feet and almost fell but regained herself on the kitchen counter, she screamed, Today is the best day of my life, she thought as everything was going well for her and everyone around her, "YASSSSS" she shouted, Vanessa needed someone to share the news with. Derek was in a meeting and it was Danesha's off day and she'd probably be sleeping, but Vanessa was still gonna call and wake her ass up.


Danesha had just worked a double shift, her body ached in every possible way she could think about, her something was hurting, she wasn't even sure what that was, she eased into bed, trying to get some rest. After a few hours of really deserved sleep, she could hear her phone ringing but she wasn't about to get out of bed to answer, it stopped, Thank you she thought, repositioned herself and was ready for LA LA land again. Her eyes danced slowly as she drifted back to sleep, her phone rang again, Nope. It stopped again and she was finally going get back to sleep, but it started once more "FINE!" she violently tossed the covers off and stormed over to her bag, she saw Vanessa's picture on the screen,

"YOU BETTER BE DYING!" she shouted,


"Awwwwwww shit! We gotta celebrate, but later I need to sleep first"

The Missing Piece Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now