40. Never Forget

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After hours of dancing and drinking they both were inebriated, Vanessa's wild moves were down to a unnatural body rock, Danesha danced next to her with some muscular man, Vanessa couldn't even make out his face she was too busy executing her drunken movements. Her body rippled and swayed to the pulsing beat,

"I'll be right back" Danesha said to her as she sauntered off with the guy, Vanessa couldn't care what she was about to do, she made her way to the bar,

"Nother shot!" she shouted at the bartender and he brought her another quickly, she tossed it back missing her mouth and spilling most of it onto her dress, "Aw shit!" she exclaimed and stubbled back to the dance floor, hands tossed in the air and her eyes closed. Her wild dancing was then slowly controlled by a pair of hands that held her thighs slowly, his hand dragged along her thigh and then into the split of her dress, he groped her inner thigh as she jirated on him, feeling the affects of her motions. His nails sent shockwaves through her body as he pulled them along her body, she turned her neck subconciously giving him access, he nibbled on the tendons in her neck as her lips parted as her sigh exited.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered as he sucked on her earlobe, and a devilish smirk creep across her lips, his voice was thick with lust, and he sounded so much like Derek, which is what got her to continue, "How about we go for a walk" he said and she nodded. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the dark of the club and onto the streets, she followed easily her hand in his. As her eyes readjusted to outside she could finally get a look at him, but no matter how hard she tried her eyes wouldn't focus and that subconscious fear started to kick in, she tugged her hand but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her along, Vanessa couldn't figure out where she was.

"Where we going" she managed to asked as they walked through an alley, finally they stopped,

"Where are we" she asked again as he backed her, her eyes trying to figure out her surroundings

"What's wrong Nurse Nichols"

"Well I- Wha, how do you" Vanessa finally caught on, "Matthew!" he turned to face her a cynical grin on his face,

"Hello to you to" he smiled at her once again, she turned to run but her body couldn't process her movements and she just fell into the damp ground.

He grabbed her ankles and dragged her, she clawed at the pavement beneath her and screamed, Matthew flipped her onto her back looking her in the eye,

"No point in trying to run!" he shouted slapping her in the face, she kicked him wildly with all the force she had in her body, hitting him in the knees a few times getting him to drop to the floor, she scampered to get up but her attempts weren't fast enough as he grabbed her hair, and pushed her up against the wall, tears streamed down her face,

"Shhhh, shhh don't cry baby, you're ruining your makeup" he whispered as his heated breath lashed against her cheek, as he wiped her tears "Did you miss me?, I missed you so much, I know we had our problems before but you know you love me, come on"

All she did was cry, observing him through blurred vision, "I did so much for you to let you know I still loved you, did you like the pictures I took?" she shook her head no winning her another slap to the face, she whimpered.

"YOU BITCH!, STOP CRYING!" he shouted, she flinched expecting another lash, "I'm sorry for shouting baby I promise I won't do it again"


I needed to talk to her, just one time, hate that I'm following her but I need to, he thought as he watched her and her friend enter into the club, Come on, she hates me why would she ever talk to me again, I ruined her life.

He got into the line and made his way into the club, and searched for them in the mass of people, There they are, he spotted them by the bar and taking shots, I'll wait over here till the time is right and then go to her. He sat in the booth watching as they danced wildly to the music.

Wait! Where did they- Oh there they are again, she's got someone to dance with that's great, they look a bit drunk, maybe I should go now. Fuck. She's leaving with him. Must follow.

He watched as she walked off with the muscular man she danced with leaving her friend alone on the dance floor. I probably shouldn't have come here, she'll be back so I'll watch her friend instead.

He watched as her friend was joined by a man, and proceeded to dance, after a while the man lead her outside, That doesn't look too good maybe- No! you're not here to her.

His morals pushed him to follow her even though he knew nothing about her, Where did they go, he looked around outside of the club until he saw him pulling the young lady into an alley.

He ran up to the alley, the man dragged the young lady and pressed her up against the wall, Don't just stand there do something! his mind commanded him.



Screams from party goers erupted at the sound of the gunshot, Danesha came outside looking for Vanessa when the bartender told her she saw him leave with some guy, Danesha searched around to find where the sound came from when she saw a man, and a figure which looked like Vanessa coming her way. The street light gave her a clear image of Vanessa, she ran to her but was stopped in her tracks when the identity of the man was revealed to her.


A/N: Hi guys thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, we've come to the end of the The Missing Piece really want to thank everyone for reading.

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