9. New Family Friends

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Mr. and Mrs. Nichols got a call stating Vanessa was in the hospital, Mrs. Nichols didn't know what had happened to her yet but she was beginning to hyperventilate on the drive over. Mr. Nichols was trying to remain calm for the both of them but his fear was that she got into a car accident and was severely hurt.
The pair scurried into the hospital, it was colder than outside with people rushing around, Sophia being the lady she was said "Excuse me" to everyone they passed as they approached the desk,
"Vanessa Nichols, where is she?" Peter wasn't into crowds so much and was trying to get out of there,
"Nichols ...Nichols...Nichols, I don't see a Nichols here try checking another.."
"She must be here"
"I'm sorry sir try checking.."
"Excuse me sir"
The husband and wife looked up to see a familiar yet upsetting face, Derek that boy that broke Vanessa's heart,
"What do you want now?!" Sophia glared at him
"I know where she is,  follow me" Derek knew how Vanessa's parents felt about him but, this wasn't the time to be bringing up the past. They followed unwillingly, they took the elevator to the 5 floor the Private ward, Mrs. Nichols opened her mouth to ask Derek a question while they were in the elevator, but her husband nudged her shutting her up. "She's in room number 3" Derek pointed them in the direction and went the other way "Thank you" Peter called from behind him making him smiled. Derek went and got a coffee and waited until he thought it was a good time to go back to Vanessa. Since he and Vanessa weren't official or he didn't know how she felt, he figured her parents didn't know they were on speaking terms again. Derek watched the cars through the window just thinking of that bastard, again his anger re-entered him flashing images of Vanessa on the floor with those marks on her body and that man above her ready to throw another slap just pissed him off again. Derek squeezed his coffee cup when he felt a soft touch. A beautiful little girl stood before him smiling sweetly, "Hello there and what's your name" 


"And how old are you" she showed him 4 fingers, he smiled at the adorable child. She sat there with him showing him her doll. Derek played along since he loved children,

"Martha?" a nurse appeared "I see you found a friend it's time to go to chemo"
"Bye bye" Martha hopped from her seat and skipped to the nurse, Derek could not believe she was sick and was so happy. People could learn from that little girl he thought, Derek finally returned to Vanessa's room. When he got to the door she was up talking to her parents,
"Mum I told you I'm okay trust me okay?"
"Darling if you need anything I've got it" her father said while holding her other hand,
"I'm fine, why don't you two go home" Vanessa continued trying to convince them
Derek interrupted by knocking, the 3 of them looked up and quickly her parents' mood changed towards him, they smiled,
"Oh well you're in safe hands we should leave dear" Peter said
"What!?! No, we're staying"
"I saidddddd, we should leave" glaring at his wife, Mrs. Nichols pouted and agreed they both placed kisses on Vanessa's head and left the room.
"Why are we leaving?" Sophia questioned seeing they were only there a few minutes
"We aren't leaving yet we're going for some tea and doughnuts" he held her hand and lead her down the hall to the food court.
Vanessa sat up on the bed as Derek entered,
"What was that about?"
"I just told them what happened, they are grateful and so am I, Thank you" Derek sat next to her on the bed, and she began to cry, he knew she wasn't okay she was just telling her parents that's so they don't worry. Derek hugged her,
"Supposed you weren't there" she mumbled between tears
He shushed her and held her tighter "That's my job, that's what I'm supposed to do, that's my job as your boyfriend..."
Derek was taking a risk he wasn't sure how this was about to go, but there was no backing down now, her sobs stopped at the mention of that word, the room was silent for a few seconds, and Derek was beginning to regret it when he heard a stuffy giggle come from her as she pulled away from their hug, looking at him "Yes that is your job as MY boyfriend" she kissed him gently with a smile on her lips.
Vanessa was allowed to go home with her new boyfriend, her injuries were attended to and she was feeling better with Derek by her side. Her parents thanked him personally and accepted him for the second time into their family. Derek was in the moment of having Vanessa but in his mind, he could not help but think if he didn't come. They got back to her apartment and got upstairs quickly. Vanessa's mood had been lifted since her and Derek's moment in the hospital room, she just wanted to be all over him. Vanessa changed into some purple shorts and a white tank top, she was going commando not seeing a reason to wear anything. Derek sat on the couch in his Captain America graphic tee and jeans, he watched her in the kitchen. It was around 10:30 pm, and he was staying the night since this was going to be his new home anyway. Derek watched her she was dancing to some music playing from her phone an upbeat song with an electronic vibe, she danced around as she collected things for dinner. Derek wasn't sure what she was making but he hoped it was as good as her dance moves she span and rocked getting some canned vegetables from the cupboard and chicken from the fridge, he was flipping through channels and watching her out of the corner of his eye, she bent over oblivious to his presence the short cotton material held her close her thick vagina lips were very visible from his angle, since she was still dancing she jiggled her bottom in the most hypnotic tantalizing way sending a jolt directly to his penis. Derek dropped the remote and walked over to her right when she was turning around, she bumped into for she wasn't expecting him there. Derek wrapped one hand around her waist and the other grabbed her firm bottom,
"Hi.." she whispered trying to hold in a moan as his hands slide down her shapely booty and with his fingers rubbing gently against her labia minora
"Hey, so what are you cooking?" he said massaging her lips with more pressure on them while kissing her neck Vanessa stood there in his arms enjoying the sensation, she tried to wiggle free but he only held her tighter and gave her a squeeze on her clit. She melted into his hands losing the control of her feet, she dropped the can vegetables and they fell to the tiled floor below, making him stop.
"Right, I'm cooking stir-fried rice and I have some chicken here I could fry it" she said regaining her composure as she picked up the can and placed it on the counter
"And dessert?" he said following her and hugging her from behind with his now fully erected penis pressed on her lower back as he was taller than her, "Umm...dessert I didn't plan for dessert, cake is okay?" Derek leaned in sucking on her earlobe "Or you" he replied with his voice dark and seductive cupping her breasts flicking his finger across her nipples.
Vanessa could tell it was going to be a long night.

A/N: 600 reads....I would like to thank everyone for reading and I've decided to continue , hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and what do you think of the way her parents found out about Derek, did they accept him too easily, next chapter is my fave for reasons I won't mention . But don't forget to Like,Comment and Share.

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