Chapter 1

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Juliana stopped in front of the little shack, The Cool Shack, a place that sells ice cream. Moving her strawberry blonde hair out of the way she looks down at the sign that reads, "It's what happy taste like. Feel the love." Someone came out of the store and glared at her as she moved aside for that person to get out. Oh yeah feeling the love.

Okay I'm just going to get a small scoop of ice cream they won't be mad right? Are you kidding me they would kill me if they found out. Then make sure your parents don't find out.

"Okay I'll take one cone with one scoop of ice cream," Juliana practiced outside of the shop, as someone gave her a weird look as he walked out the door. Juliana always practiced speaking for she doesn't get it to often, everytime is like a first time and she always messes up on something.

She opened the door to go inside, the bell going off saying she was a new arrival. Going to the back of the line she waited for her turn. For about thirty minutes she stood there, the line pretty much not moving, instead of being four people behind she was now three. It's always such a long wait.

What seemed like forever she finally got to the front of the line. The whole time she was in line she just stared at her shoes trying to ignore everyone glaze she felt on her. She was the only one in town who didn't have a phone, her parents never wanted her home so there was no need for a phone anyway.

"Hello welcome to the cool shack where we keep everything cool enough for you, what may I get you?" The lady asked politely as she waited for Juliana to make a decision. "I'll have... ummm.... the blue death. No wait can you change that please," Juliana changed her mind as the lady gave her a pointed stare and deleted what she put in. "I'll have the Auntie's Special on a cone, just one scoop please," Juliana smiled waiting for the cost.

"That will be $2.75," the cashier said as Juliana scrambled to get her money a ten dollar bill fell out and landed on the floor. Now more stuff fell out of her wallet; old receipts, a photo of her and three girls she didn't remember, a tiny pencil, and a penny.

She sighed in frustration but before she was able to get her stuff a little boy who was near by grabbed her ten dollar bill before she could take it and showed it to his mother. The little boy's mother watched the whole thing and saw what her little boy did, instead of scolding him she patted her son's head and they went off.

Juliana shoved all her stuff into her too old wallet that was falling apart and went to give the money to the cashier but her attention was on someone else. So she waited till the lady was done with the next person's order, which was a big family of seven all wanting different ice creams.

Finally they were done and she quickly paid the lady before the next person came up. The lady smiled and handed Juliana her ice cream which was melting and dripping onto the floor. The lady smiled and pointed to the ground, "Could you clean that up before you go. Thanks for coming!" and as quick as her smile came it was gone as she turned to see the next person in line and then she smiled again.

Juliana grabbed napkins for both her melting ice cream in her cone, and on the floor. She squat down to the floor and cleaned up the mess. She stared at her ice cream and smiled, Alone at last.

She ate a part of the cone so it revealed more ice cream. Reaching the door she opened it and went outside and felt the blazing hot sun's heat right away. Seeing a shady place in the park next to the shack she moved in that direction.

"Dude it's going to be so awesome I can't believe we got a gig," she heard the person say before he bumped into her. Her ice cream fell forward the whole thing landing on the sidewalk, melting so fast there was no more ice cream by the time she looked down, not that there was much to begin with.

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