Chapter 11

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"Hey honey I told you I would pick you up from school," Dan said touching the tip of her nose with his pointer finger. Trying hard not to flinch she tried to move out of his grip which only tighten. He brought his mouth to her ear still smiling, "If you don't tell him I'm your boyfriend something really bad will happen to him," she looked at Lucas who was sending his death glare to Dan and his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah okay, come on Juliana," Lucas said grabbing her arm and pulling it out of Dan's grip. Dan's face tighten but a smiled appeared when he looked back at Juliana already knowing her decision. "No Lucas I can't I didn't know he was going to come pick me up today," Lucas continued to give her a blank stare as if he wasn't processing what she was saying. "He's my...boyfriend," she spit out the word and hoped he didn't hear the venom in her voice.

Dan shoulder came around Juliana and tighten on her shoulder. "Lucas was it? Thanks for watching my girlfriend for me we really must be going. Your parents are worried sick," he said more to her than Lucas. "Oh your in for quite a surprise," he whispered only for Juliana to hear. Great just what I need.

"Actually I have to get something, so I should go back inside," she pulled herself out of his grip when his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. Wincing in pain she saw a fast movement out of the corner of her eye and suddenly Lucas was in front of her, breaking his strong grip on her wrist.

"She says she has to go inside and if you were her boyfriend you wouldn't mind waiting," he stated and watched Dan give a smile. "Actually I just realized I have to be somewhere," he gave her a kiss on her forehead and leaned in and told her something that she didn't know provided comfort or not. "You don't have to worry about me for now but I wasn't kidding when I said some people want to talk to you when you get home," and with that he smiled gave her another kiss on her forehead, smiled at Lucas then was off. Leaving a pile of dust in his wake.

Lucas stared after him and couldn't brush the bad vibe he got when he was near her. Who does he think he is? Boyfriend please it couldn't be true... could it? Something's off about him, I couldn't hear him when he was talking to her. Werewolves are known for their sensitive hearing ability but I couldn't hear him. Something's wrong with him, really...Oh and the way he was touching her just made me want to kill...the evilness in him? Yeah that's what I meant.

"Hey Juliana," he ran up to catch up with her for she was already at the door to go to school. "Yes?" She replied drawing her hand back to open the door. "My offers still holds, you know if you need me to drive you home..." he waited for her reply when he saw her face drop.

"Look it's okay if you don't need the ride," He said trying hard not to sound hurt at her rejection, he turned around and headed toward his car when her hand came on his arm. "No it's not that it's just I really did need to get inside but the doors locked," she told him and watched him look at her then smile.

He stepped closer to her till they were only inches apart and touched her hair. She closed her eyes feeling his breath on her neck when he pulled back. She took a few seconds to open her eyes and instantly blushed when she saw him. He put the bobby pin in the door and turned it a certain way soon the door was open.

He opened the door for her to go in first but as she started walking in he pulled her back her hands on his chest as he put the bobby pin back. When she knew he was done she pushed off and looked up to see him staring at her. Feeling herself starting to blush even more she looked away quickly, clearing her throat then walking to her locker.

Staring after her he gave a soft chuckle, before Lucas followed her to her locker but by the time he got there her locker was already open. "Okay I just forgot I needed my trig. Textbook," she apologized then closed her locker.

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