Chapter 7

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Okay I have been walking for an hour trying to come up with the right words to say. What do I say, I'm sorry you're stuck with me. Should I leave? They probably kick me out anyway. "Hello, are you guys home?" Are you kidding me when are they not home. "I'm coming inside," she said turning the handle to enter inside but it was lock. She kept trying until her hands started getting numb, she couldn't believe this was happening.

With what energy she had left she zapped herself inside and found the house empty. Empty of everything. "Aww I was waiting for you to come home sweetheart," someone said behind her, hands wrapped around her shoulder but she couldn't move. It was not her parents home with her. "Hello miss me."

Trying to get out of his grip which only tighten he pulled her hair back and whispered in her ear, "What cat got your tongue? You should at least say how your happy to see me," this time she stepped on his shoe hard and with a grunt he let go. "I saw you an hour ago and a time when I'm happy to see you is a time that won't ever exist," she spit out turning to get a full look at him.

"Well I've been thinking," he came trailing his hand down her cheek to which she just pushed away, "I don't think I'm done with you yet."

She looked back at him and laughed, his confused face made her laugh even harder, "Okay, sure, have fun with that, where are my parents?" She said looking around then landing her eyes on his again his smiled widen and this time it was his turn to laugh. Trying not to look as confused as she felt she started tapping her foot trying to not be to impatient.

"You didn't hear? Of course not why would they tell you," he told her as he walked to the couch and sat down getting comfortable, as if he owned it. "What are you doing?" She was next to him in a splint second moving to push him off but his hand came up, catching her's. Trying to move her hand out of his grip he leaned and smiling, "I own this house, and they told me anything that's in it," he smiled kissing her hand.

With a gasp she ripped her hand out of his grasp and tried to zap out of the house but it wouldn't work. She gave him a look knowing he was responsible for this but he shrug his shoulders and smiled, "You thought I would let you go that easily?" He was at her side but she backed away in time, closing her eyes.

Come on Juliana. You can do this, I believe I can do this, be one with your power. We can do it. She opened her eyes, her eyes now a silver color and shot a blast of wind at him knocking him off his feet and into the wall. Still having trouble zapping she opened the door right when he came running for her and slammed it in his face. The look on his face priceless but she kept moving.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes still silver she remembered seeing the clock strike 7 AM. Opening her eyes she knew where she had to go. School here I come.
"Hey make way please! Thank you," Mike said making shoving motions with his hands, pushing people out of the way. Lucas let out a sigh, back in school and my friends are already embarrassing me. What else can go wrong? "Lukey!!" he heard her voice call out to him before he saw her. "Lukey!!!"

Lucas turned to his friend, a pleading look in his eyes, "Is it too late to run away?" Lucas asked avoiding her eyes. John looked at the person heading toward them, "we have about five seconds let's..." But before he could finish his sentence a set of arms wrapped around Lucas. Sighing he removed her arms and turn around to face her.

"Oh hey Victoria, I didn't see you there," Lucas shrugged letting out an awkward laugh, turning to his friends for support. They looked at each for a second confused then just started bursting out laughing, Lucas stopped, "to much," he coughed and turned his attention back to Victoria trying to put on his best fake smile.

"Well I missed you when I was away," she said bringing her hand to trail up his arm. He took her hand to get her hand off but she intertwined their hands together. Not wanting to make a scene he pulled them out gently. "Didn't you hear me? I missed you," she said waiting for his reply. I didn't miss you at all, "Oh I missed you to, well I got to go. See ya later," he moved around her and started walking away. She blew him a kiss and ran back to her friends.

Lucas turned around and saw a girl walking away, probably to her next class but she looked oddly familiar to him. "Juliana". Popped into his mind with the same voice he heard the other day. Great, now your imagining things.
Juliana landed on the football field as the football team came running at her, playing their game. Shrieking she ran off the field just in time to not become a pancake by the whole team running after her but they never notice her to begin with. One minute she was there a few seconds later she was running off the field.

Nothing like almost getting ran over by the football team before school even starts. Well off to class. Juliana started walking toward her classroom then stopped, people murmuring and moving around her. Snap! The whole summer I didn't go in to get my schedule!! Great off to the office. With a sigh she head to the principal's office to get all the textbooks and stuff she needed.

"Oh look the Loser has arrived," she heard someone say then laughter followed. "The lone girl," more laughter, "The always ugly duckling," and more laughter. That's all, all the time, everyday; insults, laughter, repeat.

"Lukey," Juliana heard someone call across the room. Someone bumped into her and she came face to face with an angry glare. "Watch it freak," Victoria spit at her and started walking off. "Good to see you too V," Juliana whispered after her and could have sworn she stopped for a second. "Lukey!" She heard Victoria call out again louder and knew she most have imagined it.

Juliana turned all the way to see who she was calling out to and saw someone who she didn't recognize but seemed familiar. Is that even possible? Of course...NOT. Right then it looked like he would turn around so she quickly turned away and walked away hoping he didn't see her staring at him.

Trying her best to ignore them she speed walked to the principal's office and heard a lot more insults go with that. Another year where no one likes me. Another year without my best friend. Juliana could feel the tears threatening to follow down her cheek but she held it in and entered the Principal's office.

She was facing her laptop, so the back of her chair was to Juliana. "Umm... I came here to get my schedule and textbooks," she said softly but it was loud enough for the principal to hear her.

"Ahh, yes, Juliana Heart, all your stuff are right here," she said pushing all of her textbooks and schedule toward her. "Thank you Ms. Wheiseiken," she said taking her stuff and walking out the door. "Oh and Juliana?" She called out just before Juliana walked out the door. "Yes Ms. Wheiseiken," Juliana replied, her hand holding the door open, ready to leave any second now. "I would be careful this year, it will be a big year ahead, just hang in there," and with that she turned around and faced her laptop again. "Will do," and with that Juliana left.

"Okay first class," Juliana reached her locker looking down at her schedule. Letting out a sigh, she smiled, putting her schedule in her bag and her textbooks in her locker. "Okay home ec. here I come," Juliana told herself walking to her next class.

Opening the door and closing it softly behind her she wasn't at all surprise to be the first one in class, besides the teacher of course. Taking the seat by the window, the farthest place from anywhere else she let her mind drift off.

What's his deal? Why buy the house? I lived there my whole life and I can tell you right now no one in their right mind would want it. Uhhh, putting that aside, what am I going to do with all my stuff over there. Can I risk going to get it? Sure why not, he'll find me eventually, why not go to him? See it's always these kinds of thoughts in a horror movie that gets someone killed because they were to stupid to stay where they would be safe. Is the school even safe? Maybe the safest place right now. Is this even like that? Nope this is reality. Well... I Don't Know!!

"Uhhh," she groaned out loud, resting her head against the table right as the door opened.

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