Chapter 24

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Just as the knife came down to pierce her side Lucas stepped in, took the knife less than an inch away from Julie then turned it back on George. His shriek pierced the air before a pile of black dust filled his place.

The other two vampires looked at each other before moving off. Tempted to follow after them Lucas turned his attention to Julie and immediately dropped down by her side.

"Julie! Julie!!!..." he shouted her name, healing her poison side, the poison slipping out. "Julie please wake up," he pleaded picking her up and putting her in his lap.

"Nobody," she mumbled softly her eyes still closed. "What?" Lucas taken back at her reply. "I'm a nobody," she said slowly as if it she kept saying it over and over again in her mind.

"Julie what are you saying..." he stopped as a thought came to him and he realized it wasn't his but it was her's.

He's right I am a nobody who just hurts and kills everyone who comes close to me. That's why Lucas and I could never be together. He is a somebody, the somebody, an Alpha and I'm a nobody who just lies to everyone that comes close to me. I been getting in the way of his happiness even his pack members see that I'm just bringing him down and I don't want to do that. I should just disappear, besides who will remember a nobody right? Nobody, nobody, nobody...

Wincing at what he was hearing he looked down at her and hugged her closer. After a while he stood up and ran home, less than a minute later he was home. He didn't know how he found his way home or how he ran the fastest he ever ran but he didn't care.

Happy he put his car key which also had his house keys in his pocket but left his car at school, he opened the door and went to her room. Placing her on the bed he sat in the chair next to the bed and waited for her to wake up. "When you wake up Julie I want to know what happened," he whispered but the sound drifted to her ears anyway. Lucas saw her wince and his frown deepen but he waited for her and didn't leave.
"Uhhh where am I?" She moved her hand to her side and found that it no longer was hurting or poison in it. "My side it's healed..." Julie sat up and looked around and held in her gasp. I'm in my room? My side is healed but the last thing I remember was the knife and then... the impact never came...ohhh.

"Yeah Ohhh care to tell me what happened," Lucas said from the chair next to the bed his eye had bags under them but his blue eyes still pierced into her's. "Oh umm I don't know what to say," she stumbled on her words but Lucas glare was sharp.

"How about you start with how you ended up against the tree with your hands tied behind your back with three vampires in front of you. Oh and you can save the "nobody" part for last," Lucas said firmly waiting for her reply.

"It wasn't my fault..." she trailed off as she realized it might as well have been. Lucas sighed and sat up in his chair. "I'm sorry. Please tell me what happened? You almost gave me heartattack back there," he put his hand over his chest to show his point which got her smiling.

"No I'm serious," he told her with a sad smile and brought her hand and placed it over his beating heart, he then took her hand away from his chest and held it instead, "So from the beginning?" She nod her head and started.

"Okay so I left the stadium early to go to Ms. Periwinkle's class to relax. But as I walked into the hall they showed up and things got tricky. So not wanting to repeat what happened last time..." Lucas made a move to ask her what happen but she shook her head, "that comes later."

"So to not let past experiences reoccur I let them hit me first and I was very thankful they all did it at the same time so I didn't have to do trips or anything. So I flashed to the Monkey Pod tree... By the way how did you find it? Did I show it to you?" She asked him and watched him shrug. "Oh I saw my owl and she led me to you. Long story I'll explain later, continue though," and with a nod she did.

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