Chapter 28

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"Yes and who are you?" She asked her voice sharp and unrecognizable as she heard Lucas mutter 'Night Warrior.'

"Julie you have to..." she turned lifting up her hand and he was immediately silence as she walked away not even giving him a second glance. "I'm quite thirsty," she said loudly with more than a hint of annoyance looking Dan with a smile who smiled back.

"Here you go Master..." the little vampire boy no more than twelve said bring a cup of blood to her but her eyes flashed in anger instead of gratitude. Suddenly the cup was on the ground and he was up against the wall holding on to his neck as if someone was holding it. "It will do you well to remember boy," she spit out her eyes becoming more red, the little boy starting to blackout...

"I am not the Master there is only one and will only ever be one. I'm the Night Warrior, do you understand?" She asked him and when he didn't respond she tightened her grip on him.

"I said do you understand?" She asked her eyes flashing something unreadable and she started to loosen her grip as he gave a very slow small nod.

Satisfied she let go and started heading toward the boy but then decided against it. "Is there a place I can stay?" She asked Dan as he held in his laugh. "Yes yes there is," he snapped his finger and a servant she once recognized came.

"Peter show her to her room will you?" Dan said with the wave of his hand as Peter bowed respectfully, "Of course..." and with that they went off.

"Man isn't she great?" Dan said more to himself but was fully aware that Lucas was still in the room.

She's... changed, she's gone and now I can't get her back. Not that she would want to be with me anyway after what she thought she saw I could literally feel her heartbreak along with mine. No but there's still hope I mean sure she almost strangled a poor little kid but I saw, I saw her grip loosen and how she want to go to see if the little boy crying was alright. I know she's in there and I would die trying to get her back!

"Hello! Hellooo!!!" Dan shouted till Lucas looked up. "Tell me Lucas how does it feel seeing her like this," moments passed and Lucas didn't answer. "Well if you'll excuse me than I have someone to show around, I think we will become very close friends," Lucas hand made fist at his side and the chains broke.

He came face to face with Dan lifting him up by his shirt his eyes down cast and not looking up. "I don't care who you think you are, some Master person or whatever... I. Don't. Care. I care for Julie and she will come back but if I find out you are miss treating her or treating her in a way she shouldn't be treated in I will personally come after you myself, and trust me when I say you don't want that to happen," Lucas lifted his eyes and for the first time saw a hint of fear behind Dan's eyes. Lucas had one eye a bright yellow and another orange.

Dan stared into his eyes and watched for Lucas' reaction, getting nervous by the second. It was like he wasn't there, the sad, heart broken Lucas who wanted Julie back and could barely move a little everyday. Now it was a Lucas who was quite mad and was protecting a Julie that doesn't exist anymore.

The eyes hold part of your soul you can tell who someone is through them. But it can't be Lucas' eye was Yellow. Yellow. His eyes was yellow... orange is his fire but there is NO WAY HE SHOULD HAVE YELLOW. The worst of them all!!!!!

"How did you... I don't understand that was Julie's..." Dan drifted off frustrated as vampire guards pulled Lucas away. Dan flinched as he looked at the burnt hand mark on his neck and shirt. "Take him away I need to go... think something over..." and with that he was out the door and gone.

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