Chapter 21

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"Julie wake up," Lucas shook her as she kept screaming and saying things in her sleep. "Julie..." suddenly she jointed awake grabbing on to Lucas as if her life depended on it.

Realizing it was a bad dream she plopped back down on the bed and pulled the blanket over her head. "5 more minutes," her groggy voice sound through the blanket.

"Julie what are you doing? Wake up, school starts in an hour and breakfast is ready," she pulled herself out slowly and walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

Lucas shrug and got up to head out the door. "Well good morning to you..."

Julie showered and got dressed as fast as she could and almost ran out the door. "Snap I can't believe I sleep a whole day," she grabbed her head feeling dizzy then it went away and she walked into the kitchen. "Well a lot has happened this past few days, if it helps I didn't wake up till it was like 3 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep after that." Lucas looked away yeah especially after that nightmare I had.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I would have woken up," She asked wondering why he didn't. I mean I couldn't sleep comfortably anyway and you would have saved me from a bad dream. "Well I thought you could use the few extra hours of sleep," he shrug look away and grabbing two plates and started putting food on them.

"I feel very stupid for not asking this before but are you allergic to anything?" He asked her putting a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage and rice in front of her. "Nope not allergic to anything," she said enthusiasticly digging in to the bacon. "Ohhh this is so good," she complimented smiling as she continued to dig into to breakfast.

She heard Lucas soft chuckle as he to ate his breakfast. "Wow you can really cook this is a true gift," he laughed swallowed the water he was drinking before he burst out laughing. "Julie it's just eggs, bacon, sausage and rice it's nothing fancy," he commented but was secretly happy that she liked it.

"Well it truly is amazing," she said finishing up the last of her food. She brought her plate to the sink and washed it and dried it, putting it back up in the cabinet. "Okay I'm off! See you at class!!" she called already at the door when she felt a hand on her elbow. "Julie just be careful okay?" he told her his eyes filled with worry.

"Lucas I'll be fine," she smiled taking his hand off her elbow giving him a reassure squeeze then she walked out the door grabbing her keys on the way out. "I'm off."

She walked to school instead of teleporting herself there making it just in time for her first class. Lucas saw her as she opened the door and his worried face filled with relief. She smiled a small smile that she hoped went unnoticed by everyone else but him then she looked at her seat choices.

There was only two seats. One behind Lucas and the other right next to Ash. Snap I can't sit next to Lucas it might send a bad message, all the girls are already glaring at me for a small smile. Ash is smiling at me as if he knows. Ughhhhh.

Not making eye contact with Lucas she went toward the seat directly next to Ash's seat and didn't look in his direction but instantly saw all the girl's glares soften. Then the murmurs started of how he didn't let anyone sit there then suddenly she comes and she can. The glares came back.

"You just couldn't resist me could you," he smiled with no teeth but she still flinched when she saw it. "Why did this happened to be the only seat? Didn't want anyone sitting next to you?" She asked rolling her eyes at him. "Not if it isn't you," he winked at her and she couldn't help but let her frown deepen.

"Why are you really in school? You didn't really care about it before you certainly don't now. So what? Following boss' orders?" She asked sarcastically looking him straight in the eye not paying attention to what Mr. Fredrick was saying. He smiled, one of his sharp fangs piercing through his lip but not one seemed to notice.

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