Chapter 4

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Lucas gave her a weird look, his face clearly asking why she hadn't moved yet. Moving his hand to knock on the door, he just about reached it when her hand shot up and stopped his. He looked at her but she wouldn't make eye contact with him. Slowly she let go of his hand, hesitating a little, he finally knocked on the door. "It's okay Julie I'm sure they'll understand," taking her hand he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She smiled and squeeze his hand back a little to hard but he didn't show that it bothered him. The door slowly started to open.

Two really pale looking people opened the door showing their matching dark brown eyes which looked more like the color of black. Their eyes looked like they could see into someone's soul and destroy the soul with a blink of an eye. Then they smiled. There smile was enough to scare anything away. I finally understand the expression 'if looks could kill', if they could I would be dead right now.

They looked at Lucas, their smile dropping and their look turned more into a calculated look. Julie shift between her feet swaying back and forth. "Hello I'm Lucas..." before he could finish what he was going to say, without a word they walked in and slammed the door behind them.

Julie sighed and moved forward to open the door. This time it was Lucas's turn to put his hand on her arm. He gave her a look, Are they for real? Something doesn't feel right here! He tried telling her what he was thinking without saying anything, hoping his face expression was enough.

She smiled and shook her head, "Don't worry they are always like this," she opened the door and walked all the way in motioning for him to follow. He stared after her before following her in, Are they always this intimidating!?

He entered the house and was almost taken back at how different this house was from his. The furniture looked like it belonged in a different century, the wood floor had cracks in it and the house was clean. It almost looked to clean making it look like there wasn't anything even in the house except the old furniture.

Her parents sat at the table and snapped their finger. In a flash Julie was gone and in the kitchen making them something to eat. There were three empty tables across from them making Lucas wonder who else lived here. Lucas stood there awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable in their presence. Their eyes locked on his and drifted to an empty seat. Taking that as a sign to go sit, he moved to the empty chair their eyes had drifted too.

They cleared their throats and shook their heads at him, a clear message that they didn't want him sitting there. Lucas gave a polite smile and stood up again. He made a move to head into the kitchen when he heard a voice. "Boy you stay where you are and stop moving already or you could leave. I don't even know why you are here, in our house in the first place, it would be better if you left," the voice was a sound of a female but her mother didn't look like she moved her lips the whole time.

Julie came in saving Lucas from an even more uncomfortable situation. She placed their food that were on small plates on the bigger plates already on the table.

Her parents didn't touch the food instead they picked up the little bell completely unnoticed by Lucas and rang it twice. Julie went off into the kitchen again and brought a glass of their favorite wine.

She poured the purple and redish liquid into their cups. A look of rage filled her father's eyes and before any of them knew what was happening his hand was across her face in a hard slap.

She didn't whine she didn't wiper she just stood there taking it in, a silent tear rolling down her cheek. Lucas was in front of her in a flash, shielding her from her parents. "Julie come on," he shook his head and head for the door turning to see her walking behind him slowly, keeping some distance between them, like she didn't really want to leave.

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