Chapter 30

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"Julie look out!" Lucas called out blocking the dagger coming his way just in time.

Julie looked at Lucas for a splint second before focusing on Jay in front of her. Great they are to evenly match none of them have a single scratch on them and this battle has been going on for more than ten minutes. Doesn't sound as long as it feels but it only takes one second to lose a fight so I need to hurry up!

"Awww the little princess wants to go to her lover boy..." she cut him off when she heard Lucas scream before a cloud of dust fell in front of him where Jake just was. "Lucas!!!" She yelled his name and barely blocked the knife heading her way.

"Ohhh lover boy got hit with the vampire dagger huh? Serves him right if he's lucky he'll get a few more minutes to live before the vampire venom goes through his system," his laugh echoed but she heard Lucas soft groans instead as he tried to get up.

"I mean seriously he nothing but a..." she zoned out the rest of what he was saying and brought her eyes to stare at Lucas. Jay smiled as he got his hand ready to bring the knife down to plunge into her but she didn't move, she just continued looking down at Lucas.

"This is the end," Jay said bring it down and found his hand stopped an inch away from her heart. "You want to know something Jay, I don't care who you think you are but family is quite important to me. And Lucas over there is mine so you can make fun of me, say whatever but you don't ever talk to Lucas that way," she said calmly her eyes a deep red.

She walked away and broke the hold on him and could hear him grunt, "Oh you'll pay for that..." he threw the knife but instead of throwing it toward her he threw the knife at Lucas.

Before it even came close to him the knife stopped mid air as Julie slowly turned around. With a wave of her hand, long black chains held him tightly in place. "I gave you a warning, I let you go, and what do you do? You try to kill my soulmate," she spoke slowly and calmly again that she watched the fear form in his eyes replacing his anger.

"Look I'm sorry, I was just joking around see all fun and games. I knew you would stop it," he laughed nervously trying to move his feet that wouldn't move. "I didn't find that funny," she said turning the knife toward him. "No please," he begged tears forming in his eyes.

She let the knife move and then it was let go, his scream pierced the air but it was too late as he turned to dust. Her eyes went back to normal and she let out a gasp running toward Lucas. "Oh Lucas I'm so sorry, here," she tried healing him but instead of a white glow a black glow came forth.

She quickly drew her hand away as Lucas tried to keep his eyes open. "Julie it's okay..." "No. No!! Why can't I just... I can't heal you when I'm like this," she whispered tears fall drop from her eyes onto Lucas' shirt.

"Julie it's fine," he said softly with a smile bringing his hand up slowly to touch her cheek and wipe her tears away on one side then the other. The tears didn't stop so he rested his hand on her cheek.

"It's okay you know why?" He asked her and she slowly shook her head closing her eyes tightly. "Open your eyes. Please open them for me," he spoke softly yet strong, she opened her eyes and made contact with his light blue eyes that seemed to be fading by the second.

"It's okay you know why?" He stopped and took a sharp breath as the poison kept spreading. Julie tried but it didn't work but she didn't stop, becoming disgusted by the look of her black dust glowing hand. "Because... I got a chance... to see you again," not helping it anymore she sobbed loudly and brought her lips to meet his and for one second everything seemed fine. Perfect.

Till he let go.

"No no, please," she whispered then a bright light filled the air. When her eyes finally came into focus and she saw a beautiful lady standing in front of her.

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