Chapter 2

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"Alright Lucas I'll call you later. Don't you dare be late!!" Steve shouted over the phone that Lucas had to bring the phone off his ear. "Dude you know I have sensitive ears. And when have I ever been late before?" Lucas asked Steve over the phone actually not knowing a time he has ever been late.

"You been late so many times that you show up at school everyday at 9am when school starts at 8!"Steve laughter filled into Lucas ears as he laughed along. "Okay I see the picture I'll be on time I promise. 7 o'clock today at the gym right?" Lucas double checked with Steve who laughed told him yes over the phone then hung up.

Sighing Lucas entered his deserted house. He walked over to the table that had two candles on it and lite them both with his finger. He always had two candles there when he was younger, to help control his fire. It just sort of sticked over time.

He was a Senior this year in high school but he has been living alone in this house since the end of his freshmen year. It's a good thing we're rich, not to brag or anything just my life would be a whole lot different if I wasn't.

Lucas' parents died in a car crash as they were going to go to one of their business trips. He was suppose to go with them but Lucas begged them to let him stay. His band was just being put together and he wanted to stay. His parents relunctantly agreed and kissed him goodbye. Lucas never did say goodbye because before he knew it they were in the car before he had the chance.

He texted it to them instead, "Goodbye, have fun. Text me when you get there, Love you :)," the text message read. He hung out with his band the rest of the day and went home late. He was the singer, Steve played the drums, Mike played the guitar, and John played the bass. It was perfect it was like they were born to play together.

He checked his phone all day to see if his parents had landed yet. The place of the meeting wasn't to far it should have been a two hour flight and they always try to text him little stuff while they are on the plane. He decided to watch TV as he waited.

He turned it on and it was set on the news. "News? Boring," Lucas had said but before he move to turn it off he saw a car totally crashed from all angles of the car. The car had burnt marks and was so bent you could barely tell it was a car. Something told him to not change the channel to just wait and see what happened.

"Elizabeth Stone and Herald Stone where found dead in this terrible car crash..." was all he heard before his crying became to loud to hear over.

He turned off the TV and the rest was a blur after that.

Lucas sighed as he thought of that moment, it was like it was happening all over again. He walked to the dinner table and set up the area to make his last ribeye. He seasoned it and put it on the stove to cook not having enough time to barbecue it on the grill.

Lucas looked outside as the wind started to pick up, leaves turning in spirals. His clock chimmed a loud sound, he looked at his clock that read 6 o'clock. He looked outside again, it was so sunny that it looked like noon or early afternoon.

Something doesn't feel right. Shaking his head he ignored the thought and continued with his dinner. Looking at the clock it was 6:30 by the time he was done cooking. Eating quickly he put the leftovers in the fridge and went out the door.

Getting in his car he turned up the music and start to drive out. As he made a left turn to head to the gym something caught his eye. A dark Alley. No Lucas you don't have time to check it out right now. But if not now then when? Locking his car he put the keys in his pocket and headed toward the alley and came to a tunnel.

He walked through with his fire as a source of light. Finally reaching the end he stepped out into the light and looked around. There was nothing but trees and an old house about a mile away from where he was.

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