Chapter 5

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Summer came and went for Juliana. She worked at the Peter's Fish Stop the whole summer. She kept thinking back to that day she find her parents so angry at her. She didn't know what she did or even what she did that whole day. She only remembered her parents and the surprise they gave her in the basement. They been a little bit better after that but there was more edge in their hits.

Sighing she entered into Peter's Fish Shop no customers in sight as usual. Walking to one of the cashiers, all of them open, her being his only employee. Even though she was the only employee he paid well about 15 dollars an hour, more than enough money for her, all of which goes to her parents.

"Hey Juliana didn't see you there," he came out of his rundown office which was in desperate need to be repaired. Though his shop isn't in the best condition he sure lived the best. He had the nicest house or at least one of them in this small town, Fidersburg. He had two daughters and one son and he was 52 years old but looked younger than 52.

"I been here everyday since school ended and you know I always on time even if I'm barely on time," she smiled at him to which he returned. It true though I never been late there were times I had to flash myself here but I'm still on time.

"Nope, you ruined your perfect record of always being here," he said seriously but you could tell he was just teasing her. "Wait what? What day did I miss?" She asked him her voice filled with disbelief. I never forgot one day I'm always here, and on time. "Nope you missed one day," right when he said that a customer came in, "Hurry a customer," he rushed to greet the person.

She stared after him as he smiled and said hello to the customer who smiled and said hello back. She asked him one time why he would want to stay here in this shop or he should at least try repair it for he had enough money to keep this place, buy a new place, and repair this place and still have money to burn. But he replied it was what brought this family here.

Before when his family was poor and his great grandfather was looking for a job a nice old man offered his great grandfather a job. They became close friends in the short time they met but Peter, the person who owned this shop passed away and gave the shop to his great grandfather, when he passed away he gave it to his son who then gave it to Peter. Peter was named after Peter who gave the shop to his great grandfather the shop's been in the family since. He's tried to pass it down to his son early but let's just say there is a reason no one else works here.

"Juliana, Juliana, julia..." she snapped out of her thoughts to look up at an almost impatient boss. "Can you please ring up this customers groceries I'm expecting a call any second now," right on cue a phone went off in his office and he ran in to answer it. How does he do that?

She ringed up the customers groceries, smiled and told her how much it cost. The lady paid for her stuff and smiled before she left.

She heard the door closed with a loud bang. She looked up and saw a very handsome person standing in front of her. "Hello Sir if you need anything just let me know," she told him and watched his lips turn up into a grin, "will do," and with that he walked off.

She stared at him it was only when his eyes caught her's and his smiled widen that she looked away. It's weird I don't think I've ever seen him before and I know everyone. Ha the irony, the fact you can know everyone and not have more than a few people know you. But why does something feel... off about him?

"Excuse me, can I ring this up," the strange person asked politely. Feeling her cheeks start to get warm she quickly added, "Yes of course."

She took his item and was a little taken back at what she saw. He wanted to buy a lightbulb, not a box but just one. "Okay that will be ten cents," she told him as he put his hand in her's to give her the ten cents.

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