Chapter 16

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"Welcome back Master is there anything I can get for you?" his servant asked him as he paced back and forth in the room. "How about some peace and quite," the Master shot back sharply then returned to his pacing.

"It just won't work, it just won't work," he bit is lip hard as his fang pierced it. He could taste the blood coming from his lip but he didn't care. "Hey you go get me..." he pointed to the little boy then stopped short realizing the person he wanted wasn't here at the moment. The young servant stopped in his tracks not sure what to do as the Master went back to his pacing.

"What are you waiting for!? Get out!!!!" He shouted scaring the little boy away. "It won't work it just won't work!!" He argued with himself as he heard laughter. He looked down toward the front entrance to see that Zila and Max just came in, Julie's parents.

"Zila, Max come up here now!!" He shouted but he was smiling now. "Yes Master?" Her voice trembled but kept herself from shaking. "I need you to do something for me," he told them and watched them nod hesitantly.

"You will have your daughter home for dinner tomorrow or the next day the latest and I need you to be just how you always are with her," Master said laughing now. It's genius, I won't only get her with this plan oh no no no I will crush him as well!!

"That's an excellent plan but there is one thing?" Max stuttered out as a flash of anger came across his eyes before it was gone. "And that is?" He asked moving his hands forward to get them to spit it out. "She won't come to our house," Zila coughed out taking a step back as the Master took a step forward.

"Oh my goodness you two crack me up," he said with no hint of amusement in his voice. He brought his arms around their shoulders and started walking. "Who am I?" He asked them gently waiting for their reply. "You are the Master," they said in unison.

He nod his head at that answer before taking his hands off from their shoulders and giving them a hard look. "That's right so you should never EVER doubt your Master. If he says she'll be there then she will and let's say she doesn't it won't be my fault it will be yours for she doesn't like you and doesn't want to see you. But I'm telling you now she will go do you understand?" They nod their heads quickly.

"The feelings mutual," Max whispered to his wife who just smiled and nodded. "That's good because for this I need you to be just how you always are. The mean killing machine parents you two already are," Master explained and watched their mouths drop as their face held surprise and confusion.

"Wait you don't want us to be nice? You want us to be like how we always are?" The Master just rolled his eyes and their lack of brains. "If I wanted you to be nice to her then I wouldn't need you at all. I could just send her to someone who sells ice cream or cookies to make her laugh but you see I don't want that. Moving on do you except?" "Yes Master," they replied, he smiled waved his hand and in a blur they were gone.

He walked back and sat on his throne thinking about G and how he must be doing on his assignment. He knew his would take the longest so he didn't worry about it to much he was the best you could ever ask for you tell him to do something and he'll do it.

"Little boy can you get me my drink please," the Master asked the young servant from earlier in a much lighter, happier tone. In a splint second he was gone and then back in front of the Master with his drink not even spilling a drop. "Not bad kid not bad," he compliment him before the boy nod his head and smiled before leaving.

"Now I got you and you can't do anything to stop it," he muttered to himself. "You down there!! Go get me the boy that just came back from his mission, I need him to deliver a message."
"She has the right to know sir," some guy in the living room said stretching out the word sir. "Get out of my house and don't you dare come near her again," Papa Billy fired back just as Julie and Lucas entered.

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