Chapter 6

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"Man here I thought he would never leave," someone said from behind her. Instinctively she had her hands glowing and when she turned around to see who it was, she wasnt at all surprise when she saw him. It was the person from early in the shop and his hands had black mist coming out from them, follow to the ground like snowflakes.

"Who are you?" She asked him as he brought a hand to his heart as if he were offend. "You already forgot me? Well I never did introduce myself come to think of it" his hand stopped shooting forth black mist and he brought his hand in front of her for her to shake, "My name is Dan to which you already know," he gave her a small wink. She didn't move, she didn't even blink she just stared at his hand then moving her eyes to meet his black ones.

"Where's Peter?" she said after the awkward silence grew to awkward. He pulled his hand away walking closer to where the pile of dust was sitting on the ground and put his hand in the dust, grabbing a hand full of it then letting it slowly drop to the ground. "Let's just say we won't be seeing him anymore, well not for a long long time," he said with a wicked smile.

Dropping her defense she looked down at the pile of dust in front of her, "He's gone? I'll never see him again," she said kneeling down to the dust, he was the only person that took care of me. The only person I kind of felt was like a father figure to me. "Well I'm glad he was a father figure to someone," he said bitterly letting his hand came on her shoulder this time she got up her defenses back up the smile back on his face. "Oh you'll see him, let's see... soon then later," and with that black mist started surrounding her.

She started to glow but it wasn't good enough the black mist started closing in. She tried blowing it away but it only came at her faster. Her light wasn't strong enough but she kept going. His laughter grew louder as if he could see what she was doing, he probably could.

Think Juliana. Think! The black mist hit her shoulder. Wincing in pain she moved back but the black mist hit her other shoulder. Both shoulders bleeding she had no where to go. Great this is the day I die. On my grave stone it's going to say killed by black mist covering me. That's if I get a gravestone when I die. Most likely I'll just die right now and no one will come for the body I probably become a part of the... great I'm already thinking my death through.

The mist touched her legs and a piece of it hit her rib. Kneeling down she saw the mist cover up over her so she couldn't get back up. "Say hello to daddy for me," she heard Dan call out followed by his laughter.

Why in the world would he kill Peter? His own father? Juliana didn't realize her body started to glow the more she started to get angry. She stood up subconsciously, the mist no longer hitting her but was still there. How could he do it!? "He was my friend!" Juliana shouted burning the black mist away with her glow watching as it was now Dan turn to back away.

She didn't even look in his direction but she could tell he was backing away. She set her hand out and formed a light caged similar to his black mist one.

She turned her hazel eyes to Dan and watched as the fear in his face turned into an amused one, he started to smile. "Tell me why did you do it? Why did you kill him!" She shouted as a piece of lightning struck him in his arm. Wincing in pain he gripped his arm though it was a strong blow it wasn't enough to make him start bleed but it was definitely a killer shock.

"He was in the way," he finally told her but she just continued staring at him until he would continued. "He always tried to hide you from me," he continued, "but I was to smart for him, not to brag and all but I was," he said cocky but before she could say anything he continued, "I eventually found out where you lived so when your parents were home I gave them a present," he looked at her then sat down on the ground leaning against a tree that she didn't know was there at first. Must have got caught there when I put up the light cage, weird though. He smiled and patted the ground next to him, "If I were you I would sit down, there's a lot to explain," he waited for a while and when she was still standing he continued.

"You know they always hated you, they were pure vampires or so they thought until you came along and they found out you weren't a vampire but a werewolf. So they went to a vampire doctor who told them they were half werewolf from one of their parents and half vampire from another that they only unlocked their vampire side. Both their parents had passed away so it was just them, but so disguised at what they were the vampire doctors took away their vampire side and their werewolf side. The vampires have always hated the half breeds not werewolves or vampires they kill them if they get them or they take their power away. Well anyway back to the story, after a while they decided they were better off without it, you being a werewolf and all."

"But you grew strong and they couldn't handle it. For a few years you were a happy family, your three sisters and your parents, then you shift for you first time. Your sisters being pure vampires looked at you differently and ran away, couldn't stand that side of you. Your parents were so devastated they tried everything to be a vampire again to go find them because only a vampire or a werewolf can find a vampire in hiding, but no one would help them. They saw you and walked away. So angry your parents wiped your memories of all the happy family memories you had as if they never existed anymore and to them they didn't."

"So that day you were taking your day off I helped them becoming what they always wanted," he paused looking at her and when her eyes met his he smiled again. "And because no one taught you, you can't control your elements it only comes when you are to sad or to angry you can't control it at will, that's why your eyes are glowing a light yellow," he gestered with his hand to her eyes.

She stood back letting the light cage fall down. He stood and started walking to her, she sent a warning, a wave of light coming forth from her hands enough to make him stop. I really am at fault for my parents unhappiness, no wonder they hate me, I stopped them from getting what they wanted. "See your special you don't have a side, you could join our side," he told her walking toward her slowly. Taking a step back she stared at him, "What do you mean?" Startled by his laugh that followed her question she wasn't at all surprise that he was right next to her this time.

"You are the only one of your kind now, your parents would be with you but sadly they lost both their powers, werewolf side and vampire side until I came along of course. You are now the only one, you don't have a side you don't belong anywhere. Your parents didn't have the potential to use both side of their power but you do. Have you ever wondered why you could sense a vampire faster than normal werewolf? That when you run you feel like you're flying? I know you unlocked some vampire abilities even if you don't want to admit it. So what side?" He asked her but she gave him an disgusted look, "I would never join you," she spit out and watched as his face turned to waiting to anger.

"You will now be our enemy, be warned you will not be on our side even if they don't except you. You won't be able to use you super sensitivity, a vampire gift you use more often than you know, it won't work on us. Just like before you won't see us coming. You will forever be alone Juliana," and with that he lift his hand in the air, black mist surrounding him and with that he was gone. Leaving her standing there looking at where he was she wondered what he meant by, 'Just like before you won't see us coming.'
"Dude I can't believe you missed it," Lucas's friends said in unison for the hundredth time today. "I know I know," Lucas said sighing wanting to hang up but not wanting to be rude either. "So why didn't you make it?" Mike said for the thousandth time over the past week, "As I told you before I don't know what I did all day," it was the only answer Lucas had for them. "Okay I believe you," he heard his friend John say over the phone, yeah that's why you have to ask me a thousand times to hear the same answer. "Okay Lucas we got to go, hope to see you later," Steve shouted before hanging up the phone.

Lucas looked out his window, the wind was blowing and the sun was shining but clouds started to form, a little more black then gray. He got this weird Deja Vu moment but shrugged it off, closing the window waiting for it to rain but it never came.

Lucas sat down on his couch getting comfortable, turning on his TV he heard his clock chim telling him it was 6 PM. Okay Lucas Summer's over, time to go back to school tomorrow. Getting ready to close his eyes his phone rang. Groaning he reached over to the table picked up his phone and didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know who it was. "Yeah," Lucas said waiting for them to say it, "Dude I can't believe you missed it," his friends said in unison over the phone, and to start the conversation all over for the hundred and one time today.

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