Chapter 8

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Chapter 8;

"FUCK YOU ALL." Maggie screamed and ran out of the class. I cracked up and ran after her, she had come and got me from my last period. I ran after her, we had cleaned out our lockers. Maggie waited for me, Prince was next to her. When I caught up I just smiled, I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder and looked up. Danny. "Lets get out of this hell hole." he said. We walked down the crowded halls towards the entrance, Justin and Wynter came and joined us. We walked out and into the crazy school yard, people were dancing and screaming. My mom was parked in front, she waved to me. "Have to go guys. Text me!" I said and walked off.

My mom had smiled the hole car ride. I actually found it very creepy, she kept glancing over at me like she was going to rape me. When we got home she hurried me out of the car and took my stuff, "Close your eyes." she said. "What?" "Close them." "uh, Ok." I said and closed my eyes. She guided me inside, I heard someone get up. "You can open your eyes now." I opened them and my mom set my bag down. "IAN!" I screamed and ran jumping into my brothers arms. Spinning me in circles a few times, "HEY KATTY." He said happily. His scent filled up my nose, right here.

This moment.

I felt true happiness.

I mean when I was with my group I was happy, but I haven't felt this warm feeling in my stomach ever since Cam died. It was emptiness inside, when Danny kissed me I felt butterflies. That was nothing like this, it felt like I had eaten the sun or something. I was so happy I felt tears on my cheeks, Ian had been there for me. And he still was, but now he is actually here.

Ian put me down, I got a good look at his face. Ian's brown hair was short and up in a quiff, his blue eyes sparkling. I was always jealous of his eyes, mine were brown. Actually not even brown, more like a dark red. Like some kind of amber, but I like Ian's eyes. They had that calming color, like the ocean. He was wearing a dark blue t shirt and skinny jeans, people used to tell me that I was lucky to have a hot brother. I mean ok, he was attractive, but he's my brother so it was weird to actually say that.

Ian and I sat on the couch talking for probably an hour, he was telling me about this girl he met. "She has black hair, green eyes, and a lip piercing." he was saying, he was like in a daze. "You like her." 'What! Pfft no." "You do." "How do you know?" he asked raising an eyebrow. I shrugged, "Just the way you talk about her. What's her name?" "Jade." "Jade and Ian sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-" "SHUT UP." he yelled and jumped on me. "GET OFF ME." I laughed, sitting on my lap he began to tickle me. "NUUUH!!" I squealed and laughed. "I am the tickle monster!!" he yelled and continued to tickle me. "Dinner time!" mom yelled from the kitchen. "FOOD." we screamed at the same time. Ian jumped off me and the couch running to the kitchen, I ran after him.

"I miss your cooking, Mom." Ian said while beginning to stuff his face with spaghetti. My mom chuckled, "And we all missed you. Too bad your father isn't here." "Where is he anyway?" Ian asked after swallowing. "I believe Ohio." she said sitting down next to him. It was nice to have most of our family together again. "Met anyone yet, honey?" "No." "Yes." I corrected him. Ian looked up at me with a teasing glare. I smirked, "Her name is Jade." I said spinning my spaghetti. My mother raised her eyebrows at Ian, "We're just friends." "He likes her." "Shut up." "Don't deny the love, Ian." I said with a wink. Ian rolled his eyes and went back to eating.

I told Ian about my friends, he seemed really interested. I wanted him to meet them, he would love Maggie. He said Justin sounds like a good guy, but then I told him about Danny. And he gave me this look, I couldn't name it, but it was scaring me. He raised his eyebrows, and then I got the memo. "No I do not like him like that, Mr. Love Doctor." I said rolling my eyes. Ian sat back, "Uh huh, ok." he said with a mocking smirk. My mom had left, she was probably really tired from work today. She works really hard, without my dad around as much she had to work. I tried to help as much as possible, like going out and handing out cupcakes. Me and Cam used to sell lemonade on the street corner, I wonder if maybe Wynter would do that with me.

"Kat, how are you? Really?" Ian suddenly asked and looked up. I could see it in his eyes, he was thinking about Cam. I looked away, "I'm alright.." I said trailing off. "Will you take me to his grave tomorrow?" I looked up at him. I could see the longing and pain in his eyes, Cam was just as much a brother to him as he was to me. I nodded, "I haven't visited it, but I think I know where it is." I said.

As we were putting our dishes in the sink, Ian wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I leaned back into his chest, "I miss him, Kat." Ian murmured. "I do too.." I whispered.

I woke up the next morning, Ian was laying by my side. When did he come into my bed? That didn't matter, he was so peaceful. I wondered if everyone looked younger when they slept, I pet his hair softly. So fucking soft, like Cam's. Everything about Ian reminded me about Cam, the way his eyes sparkled when he saw me, that little grin, and his soft hair. He was a little bit taller then Cam when he was alive, so the height was some what the same. I was always the small one, short and sweet Cam would say. "Good Morning." Ian said in his cute morning voice. I continued to stroke his hair, "Morning." I said softly. "What time is it?" Ian groaned, he opened his eyes. They were dull with sleep, but still had that spark of light. I turned to look at the clock, "9:30." I said turning back to him. He rubbed his face with his hands, "I'm hungry." he said and flung the sheets off his body. I rolled my eyes and sat up, he was shirtless and had pajama bottoms on. They were his favorite, the super man ones Cam gave him for his birthday. I was surprised they still fit, oh wait Cam got them too big so he could wear them for a long time.

After break fast we showered, got dress, all the good stuff. I wore dark blue shorts, black converse, my minion t shirt, and my hair was down. We got into Ian's car and drove to the cemetery.

Ian's tall figure stood in front of his grave, his head down and staring at the tomb stone in front of him, I stood a little at a distance. I could just make out the glimmering tears running down his cheeks, he sniff and wiped one away. Kneeling down, he began to talk. "Hey bud. Well, I'm here now. Uh, I miss you a lot little bro. Hope your having a swell time up there, tell our grandma we say hi. Kat's here too," I walked over and knelt down beside him, "Hey Cammy boy." I said softly. I felt tears rim the bottom of my eyes, one slipped down my cheek when I blinked. Ian patted the ground, "We miss you, brother. Rest In Peace." Ian finished, we stood up. I wrapped my arms around and cried into his shoulder. We stood and cried.

The pain was so great, it was hard to fight it...

Hey so, that hottie over der is Ian. Ugh his eyes doe. <3

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