Chapter 13

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Chapter 13;

Thank god the movie was short, we had brought Kyle and Mason. I got the chance to talk to Mason, his face was so familiar. I just couldn't remember where I'd seen him before. I thought back to my rare visits to Cams house, then I remembered:

 "Dude Mason! Come meet my brother friend!!" Kyle had screamed up stairs. "DON'T RUSH ME." Mason came pounding down the stairs. Cam laid on the couch eating an apple, he looked so relaxed for the first time ever. I sat on "my" chair, eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips. I threw my head towards him, "Hey, the names Kat." I said with a smile.

I remembered those days, when I was so laid back and strong. Now I'm a wreck.

Mason nodded, "Sup." "Well, we're going out. You'll be ok, right Cam?" Kyle asked, he was thinking ahead. "Hey I'm the older one, I should ask you that." "It's only by like 5 minutes." Kyle snorted. Cam rolled his eyes, "Yeah we'll be fine. BE SAFE KIDS." "I'm not a fucking kid thank you very much." Mason said putting a hand on his hip. "ooooo I like him." I said with a smile. Cam rolled his eyes again, "Alright get out of here you two." Cam said. Kyle and Mason walked out of the house, "Now what?" Cam had asked.

That's where the memory ended. Joy filled my stomach, "SUP MASON." I laughed. Mason began cracking up, "DAMN TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH." I gave him a hug. All my memories of Mason came flooding back.

We were walking out of the movie theater when a loud, booming voice came from behind us. "YOU." Oh shit, it's Danny's dad. I jumped around to face him, Ian was at my side in a second.  I looked back at Marissa, she shrank behind Danny and Jake. Maggie huddled next to Kyle, Mason was next to him. I felt my arms stiffen as I turned back to him.

"Those are MY kids." "They might be yours, but I wonder how the cops would feel about how you treat them." Ian snapped. "We aren't yours." Danny said. I turned back at him, Danny stepped forward. "Damn right you're mine." "You're only a step." Danny hissed. My jaw dropped, that explained EVERYTHING.

I was shaking, "Where's my wife?" "Why would we tell you that?" The man in front of us was so angry, I swear I saw steam rising from his head. Danny stood on the other side of me now, Marissa huddled next to Jake. I wasn't sure what to say or do, my brain was telling me to run and my heart was telling me to fight.

Danny was obviously not leaving, he stared down his step father with such hatred. How was this going to end? The man softened, "Just tell me where your mother is and I'll do no harm." "That's a lie." Marissa squeaked behind us. The man hardened again, "And how is that a lie." He asked through gritted teeth. He was loosing patience.

"Obviously you wont do us harm, but you'll do our mother harm." she squeaked again. The man stiffened, then relaxed. "Then let me take one of you." He began to look us all over, his eyes locked on me. They swam, and a smirk crossed his face.

Danny noticed, everyone did. I began to shake again, my hands sweating and my heart beating hard. I was pretty sure Ian could hear it, Ian pushed me behind him. He was harder then a rock, his muscles straining in his back. "You will not set one finger on my sister if I have anything to do with it." he growled.

I wasn't sure who to be scared of, the man or my own brother. I mean of course the man, but my brother has never been like this. Ever. I never even knew he had back muscles, and the fact that he walks around shirtless like everyday.

 I hid behind Ian, I was terrified. What did this man want from me? "Doesn't she want answers?" he asked, evil burned in his eyes and it was all over his face. I took a small step out from behind Ian, "You know..." I whispered. "Kat don't."

"Oh I know everything, Katelyn." He said, my name rolled off his tongue. "What do you know?" I asked, taking another careful step. "I know why.." The man said, trailing on the last word. "Why then?" I asked through gritted teeth.

The man chuckled, "You think I'm going to say it here? Oh dear no." he took a step forward. No one moved. I took another small step forward, "How do you know?" "Well love, I was there." he said, whispering at the last part.

My heart stopped, this man was in my house when it happened. "David did his deed well." "So it was a deed?" "ooo You catch on quick." he took another step forward. Thought raised around in my mind, making my head throb.

I was stuck behind Ian's arm, I had so many questions. The man took one more step forward, "And you might not believe me, but I know he isn't really dead..." He trailed off, stepping back.

My heart stopped completely. That's impossible! He was there, in my doorway. Blood and everything! He can't be alive!! I was shaking, anger rose in my gut. Sadness filled my heart, pain entered my head. I wasn't sure what to do. Could it be true? Was I miss judged? There was no pulse.

"That's a lie. He was dead in my doorway, no pulse." I hissed. The man shrugged, "I knew you wouldn't believe me." My heart ached, could it be true?

Determination washed over me, I pushed Ian's arm out of the way. I stepped forward, "Show me." I said through gritted teeth. The man crossed his arms, a smirk crossed his face. I was still shaking.

The man summoned me forward, I walked with him to his black van. Thoughts swam in my head, "No Kat! You're insane!" Ian yelled in front of me. I looked back, his blue eyes were sparkling.

That's not what caught my attention, Kyles jaw was wide open. His light green eyes filled with hope. Before I got into the car he yelled, "Bring him home Kat!"

K so the next chapter is going to be the end. PLOT TWIST. LOL. The last one is going to be the longest so um yeah. cx

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