Chapter 30: Never, sir.

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I ran forward, colliding with my father and hugging him tightly while digging my face into his chest. His cotton baby blue shirt soaked up my salty tears and his soft hands patted my head. His rigid body soon turned to a relaxed body and he hugged me tightly.

“Daddy!” I sobbed and I could feel him smile into my hair.

“Shh… It’s okay… Daddy’s here,” he cooed as he petted my hair. My body trembled with sobs and tears that weren’t mine fell down on me.

“Daddy, I’ve missed you so much!” I cried.

“I missed you too, Princess,” he breathed. My aching heart was beginning to mend at the sound of those words. I began to choke on my tears and my father pulled back away from me. He smiled and wiped the tears from my face. “Stop crying, Princess.” I managed a smile and nodded. He looked the same as he did all those months ago.

His dark hair was still cut short so that the front could be gelled up. His violet eyes shimmered down at me and his toned body didn’t lose any muscle. In fact, it seemed as if he gain muscle. His face was still pretty angular and his shirt was a shallow v-neck that clung to his toned body. He wore straight legged dark jeans with black Converse on his feet. I guess you wouldn’t really be able to tell he’s gay unless you really knew him. I guess you wouldn’t realize that he’s thirty-nine either, he looked like he was still in his twenties.

He led me to the kitchen and smiled at the dinner choice.

“I’ve always missed your burgers, Gwyn,” my dad smiled. I smiled.

“Good, I worked hard on them,” I smiled. “Honoo! Sam! You can eat now!” I shoted, my voice ringing through the apartment. I heard them running towards the kitchen, sounding like a small herd of wildebeasts. They collided into a chair together.

“Move Sam! I was here first!” Honoo shouted at his brother, er, father, er relative.

“No! You move! I’m older than you! Listen to your elders!” I rolled my eyes.

“Hey! Both of you move robas! I’m sitting there!” I roared while pulling the chair back and making them roll off of it. “Dad’s sitting next to me,” I said as Dad sat to my left. “Find a seat before the burgers are gone.” Dad grabbed two and set them on his plate before piling fries next to his burger. He stained the fried potatoes in bright red ketchup, then did the same with his burgers. Sam and Honoo finally finished playing musical chairs and sat in a seat, Sam to my right and Honoo across from me.

Dinner ended and Dad was helping me clean up the kitchen behind the boys. We cleaned the dishes by hand-he washed and I rinsed them and put them on the drying rack- and whiped down the counters.

“Gwyn! Your phone’s ringing!!” Honoo shouted. “It’s someone named Eli!!” He screamed. I gasped and dropped the plate I was holding in the sink. I rushed over to to Sam’s room, where my phone was sitting on the charger. I smiled as I flipped onto the bed and grabbed my phone, scaring Honoo and clicking the talk button simulateously.

“Hey, Eli,” I grinned.

“GWYNETH HAROLET VALENTINE! I HAVEN’T TALKED TO YOU SINCE YOU LEFT!” Eli shouted into the phone angrily. I laughed bashfully.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I guess the past couple of days have been, er… hectic,” I said, eyeing the boys. He grumbled in response. “I’ve just be hanging with Sam’s son really.”

“Sam has a son?!” Eli gasped.

“Calm down! You sound like a girl who just found out another chick got pregnant!” I muttered. “Anyway, I might come back in the morn--.”

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