Chapter Five: He can't be Ethan...

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Akura’s P.o.v

Weeks have passed and things changed completely, since the day Bill came into my room. He took my Barbie away and broke it in front of me.  He then searched all over my room and didn’t find anything else. I have been locked in the padded room for days and Bill doesn’t want to get me out. I am very hungry and thirsty but he doesn’t want to give me food or water. He saw the bible in my room and told me who gave me it, but I can’t tell him. Since I didn’t want to tell Bill he is forcing me to stay all the time when I am not with him locked in here or in my room. I haven’t been seeing Max anymore because I can’t let Bill know that Max is my friend, but its making me sad.  The only friend I had and now I can’t have him…

Nine Years Later….

“Ugh wake up! Bill is waiting for you…” The new nurse shouted. I groaned and pushed myself off bed. Stupid Bill, I hate him. I walked towards Bill office without doing anything else to my body; no shower, no change in clothes, no fixing my hair, no brushing my teeth, NOTHING. “Well it’s so nice to have you here” Bill said with an evil smile on his face. “Yea” I lied. He stood up and grabbed his belt. He slammed me into the wall and started hitting me with the belt. I cried in pain, tear drops falling into my toes.

Every single inch of my back hurt from the pain. After he finished hitting me I threw myself in the floor not being able to stay up any longer. “All this time I haven’t figured out what is fucking wrong with you! And I can’t quit this Job until I know… You ruined my life!!” He said smacking me once more with the belt in the face I screamed in pain and started sobbing. I touched my face slowly but it hurt me too much. “GET OUT! AND IF YOU TELL SOMEONE I AM GOING TO TELL THEM TO INJECT YOU TO SLEEP… AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS RIGHT?” I nodded and he smiled. I slowly tried getting up but ended up falling back again. It’s impossible, my body hurts to much. I used the chair for support and got up slowly.

I feel like my body is going to break and there would be nothing left of me. “LEAVE, UGH ITS SO STESSING SEEING YOU HERE AND NOT HITTING YOU” Bill yelled. I looked at him with sorry eyes and he shook his head and pointed to the door. I slowly stumbled to my room; crashing into some things in the hallways and making people look at me very weird. Maybe it’s how I was walking, or how my cheek was maybe red or purple or why I had a lot of purple and red marks in my body, but can careless.

Once I made it to my room I threw myself in bed and stayed there for a few minutes. Maybe today no one will miss seeing me from behind the fence. Like someone knows who you are, my mind said. I mentally slapped myself and got up, I can’t be fearless, and I have to show everyone here I don’t give up. I went to the bathroom and got a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on a clean blue vest and brushed my long hair. I let it loose and it feel to my waist. Umm, I don’t like the shoes they give here so I would walk without shoes. I went to the fence that separates crazy people from normal people and took a seat in the floor watching everyone. They put this fence here since I always came to the normal people and Bill thinks I shouldn’t be with normal people. I hate him a lot. But I once and then see normal people closer. Some of them sometimes go to my side of the fence to visit friends or family.

A few hours have passed and no one today has come to visit a person. The fence slowly opens and I move a little bit back. I lay my back in the wall and look up to find a guy looking down at me. “Hello” He said. “Hi” I said in a very low voice waving my hand. “What is your name?” He asked. “I’m Akura, How about you?” I respond. “I’m Ethan” My heart stops and I quickly look up at him. His name is Ethan but he has to be another Ethan not the one I met a long time ago. This Ethan has black hair and light brown eyes, the other Ethan had yellow hair and blue eyes… He stretched his hand out for me and I grabbed it. I got a weird feeling in my belly but ignored it; I don’t want another visit to Bill for being sick. Once I was standing we both look at each other’s eyes. “How old are you?” Ethan asked.

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