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A/N- Testing this out.

Erin's POV

I rubbed my eyes as I started to wake up, I remembered what Steve and Tony did for me yesterday and I giggled. I looked around the large room but I couldn't see Steve or Tony, it worried me a little... Had they left me like Mommy?

I pushed the pillows out the way and climbed off the bed, I went over to the door and saw it was open a little bit, I pulled it open and looked down the corridor. I heard voices coming from one of the rooms, I quickly walked towards the room the voices were coming from and I opened the door...

"Tony come on stop now because you won't be able to finish it!" I heard Steve say.

I frowned when I saw Tony sitting on Steve's lap; I didn't think adults sat on other adults laps?

Tony and Steve noticed the door was open, they both looked at me as I yawned. "Dirt Monkey!" Tony cheered and jumped of Steve who had turned bright red.

I couldn't help but giggle as Tony picked me up and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder, he was so warm and his glowing chest was so bright!

"I told you we would wake her up!" Steve mumbled as he got out of bed. "Did you sleep okay Erin?"

I nodded and rubbed my eyes. "Lets get some food!" Tony spoke up and carried me to the elevator with Steve.

We went down to the kitchen where the ginger women from yesterday was... I think she was Pepper?

"Morning boys, Erin," Pepper greeted. "I have called social Services, they will be here in a few hours."

I frowned who were they?

Tony seemed to hold me a little tighter when Pepper said that... Were they scary people?

"Thank you Pepper, at least we know she'll be going with people who can take care of her," Steve told her.

Tony sat me on the side next to the sink, he looked down at me and I smiled up at him then suddenly he blew raspberries on my cheeks, it was a funny feeling and it made me squeal.

I heard Steve laugh from behind us. "What shall we have for breakfast?" He asked as he stood next to Tony.

"Hmm I dunno, Pancakes?" Tony suggested.

Steve nodded as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Sounds good, wash your hands then and we'll get cooking!" He told us.

Tony helped me wash my hands and dry them, he then placed me on the floor and let me help Steve get some pans out from in the cupboard. I liked how tall Steve was, he didn't have to have people help him all the time like I did!

Tony started stirring the mix, Steve picked me up and sat me on his hip so I could see. He dipped my finger in the mix and let me lick some off; It was really nice!

Tony tipped the mix into the pan and it started to look more like a pancake and not some slop!

Steve sat me at the table and got a napkin for me, he placed it on my lap and got me a little spoon, I giggled as Tony started to put the pancakes on to plates, he was humming a song and shaking his butt!

Steve gave me a little glass cup and filled it with milk, he and Tony had orange juice. Tony put the plates on the table and sat down, Steve cut my pancake up into little pieces and blew it to cool it down.

"That should be cool enough now," Steve told me.

I used my hands and picked up the small bits of pancakes; They were so yummy!

"I can see why you call her Dirt Monkey," Steve laughed and handed me my spoon. "Use this Erin, you won't get so messy."

I held the spoon, I used my free hand to put bits of pancake on it then eat it.

It made Tony laugh. "Close," He told me and ruffled my hair making me giggle. I went to grab the glass but Tony stopped me. "Hold on Monkey, let us help you because it's glass."

Tony sat me on his lap side ways and held the glass to my lips, I put my hands over his hand and drank the milk. I noticed Steve was watching us, he had a smile on his lips... Why was he looking at us like that?

Tony moved the glass when I had finished and placed it on the table, I sighed happily that I was full of food and rested my head on Tony's shoulder so I could look at his glowing chest.

Steve cleared the table as Tony played with the ends of my hair; Mummy used to do that to help me sleep.

"Maybe we should get her dressed for when social services come?" Steve suggested.

I looked up at Tony. "Okay," He sighed.

Why was Tony sad?

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