His Light!

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"Make it stop!" Loki groaned from the couch.

Thor glared at his brother. "I'M TRYING!" He boomed.

Erin sighed as she slumped back in the couch; The super husbands were out having dinner for the first time in a very long time so the two princes of Asgard offered to babysit... Worst decision ever!

Baby Peter had been crying for two hours straight driving everyone insane. Loki and Erin went into the living room to try and play princess together but the screams from the small child were too loud to escape.

Loki and Thor had made bottles, offered the baby pacifiers, sang songs, tried to get him to sleep, even changing him but nothing seemed to work...

Erin hopped off the couch and went into Peter's nursery, she knew exactly what he wanted. The little blonde climbed up the Chester draws and grabbed her brother favourite thing in the whole world. Erin ran back into the living room and saw Peter lying on the play mat crying, she knelt down next to him and gave him his favourite object then within second the small child had stopped crying...

The two Gods rushed in fearing the worst had happened only to see Erin cradling her sniffling brother on her lap with Tony's old arc reactor in the hands of Peter, the blue light lit up both the children's faces as they stared at each other.

"It's okay Peter, you can stop being a brat now," Erin told her brother making the two Gods chuckle quietly.

"I knew she liked him really," Thor stated.

Loki hummed. "Did you like me when I was a baby?" He asked curiously.

Thor smiled and pulled his brother into a side hug. "Brother I have always loved you, even when you were a brat!" He told him.

Loki smiled a little at his brothers words... Sort of. "Well thank you Thor," He told him.

The two gods looked at the little children who had fallen asleep curled up next to each with the arc reactor in between them. The two gods thought it would be nice to leave them for Tony and Steve to see when they arrived home plus you never wake a sleeping Erin... It does not end well!

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