The Slug!

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An hour after getting home from school and meeting her new brother Erin was now sat on the couch trying to escape her now awake brother...

"GO AWAY!" Erin screamed as the baby crawled over to her. "DADDY!"

"Erin he won't hurt you," Steve told the small blonde as he picked Peter up.

Erin crossed her arms. "I don't like him, take him back!" She told him.

Steve worried this was going to happen but everyone assured him that Erin would warm up to the infant in time but it was going to be long time. The super soldier sat down next to his daughter but she quickly slid away from him to the other side of the couch away from the baby.

"Daddy it's dribbling, it may kill you!" Erin told him. "Slowly put it on the floor and it may not kill you!"

Steve blinked at his daughters words... Yes definitely been around Tony Stark for too long!

Peter babbled at Erin and smiled at her but Erin only flashed him a disgusted look. "Erin come on he's a little baby," Steve told her softly. "You were like this once, he'll learn from you and will want to be your best friend when he's older."

The little blonde crossed her arms. "I have a best friend!" She told me in a sassy manner then slid off the couch. "I don't need a pet slug!"

"Erin get back here now!" Steve told her.

The six year old flinched; That was Steve's soldier voice. Erin knew Steve was made when he used that tone... Uh- oh.

Erin slowly turned around facing Steve and Peter who was chewing on his hand. "Sweetheart Peter is staying here, you need to be nicer to him!" He told her. "Get in the dining room dinner is ready!"

The little girl slowly walked towards the dining room with her head hanging. Tony had set the dinner table for everyone and he had set up a high chair at the top of the table by his and Tony's seats. Erin sat in her seat as Steve sat Peter in the high chair strapping him in then went into the kitchen to help Tony.

"Babrua!" Peter babbled as he used his hands to bang the high chairs tray.

Erin glared at her new brother. "Daddy doesn't like shouting at the dinner table!" She told the baby.

Obviously the baby didn't understand and babbled again as he banged the tray a little louder making his sister shoot daggers at him. Accepting the new baby wasn't going to be easy!

Steve and Tony walked in with the dinner plates and set them on the table. Erin tucked into her dinner then noticed Tony was feeding Peter?

"Daddy what are you doing?" Erin asked.

Tony looked at his daughter. "He's only a baby Erin, he needs a little help," He told her.

Erin pouted and looked at the little ten month old being fed by her Dad. "Erin stop pouting and eat your chicken," Steve told the little blonde.

The little blonde huffed and ate her dinner not saying a word; Since she could form proper sentences all she did was talk about anything and everything!

"How was school baby girl?" Tony asked.

The little girl went to open her mouth but then she saw the slug's face covered in food. "Fine," She told her Dad then continued to eat her food.

Tony looked at the now grubby baby then grabbed a wipe and cleaned Peter's face. "You were like this Erin, you always got into a mess with your food!" He told his daughter.

Erin just looked at him blankly and silence fell over the family well apart from Peter babbling and squealing happily every so often.

Once everyone ate their dinner and pudding the family sat on the sofa watching 'Tangled' which was one of Erin's favourite films; The little blonde was sat in between her Dad's while Peter was crawling around the floor chewing on anything he could get his hands on...

"DADDY MY KITTY!" Erin shouted.

The two supers jumped up and looked at Peter who was chewing the leg of Erin's toy cat; This cat was very special to Erin because Loki brought it for her when it was her first Christmas with Steve and Tony, she loved the cat and it always sat on the coffee table facing the TV.

Steve sighed and removed the toy from the baby's mouth and placed it on the heater to dry it. "Don't worry Erin it's not broken," Steve told her.

The six year old glared at her new brother. "I don't want it here anymore!" She stated and crossed her arms.

Tony sighed and sat Peter on his lap, letting the baby curl up in his arms. "Erin you've just got to deal with it, he is staying and that is final!" He told her sternly.

Erin curled up into a ball... The slug was not staying!

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