We Can't All Do It

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A/N- I have no idea what has happened. Apparently this chapter unpublished it's self? Sorry for the confusion

Everyone stood in Erin/ Tony's lab watching Tony carefully place all the time stones into the gauntlet he had made with the help of Erin and Rocket. Silence fell over the room as the last stone was put in its place, would this work, would this bring everyone back to this time our would they lose everything they had built?

Rocket looked everyone. "Question, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" He asked.

"I'll do it!" Thor spoke up in a strong voice.

Everyone jumped up. "No, no, no!" Everyone shouted over the top of each other.

"We can't just sit and wait for an opportunity!" Thor said in frustration.

Erin shook her head. "We need to discuss it!" She spoke up. "We need to think about this, we've already lost Natasha!"

"No, no, I'm the strongest, okay?" Thor asked as he teared up. "This is my responsibility. Just... Just let me do something good!"

"You have always done good, Uncle Thor," Erin told him softly.

Tony sighed. "That thing has enough energy to light up a continent," He stated. "You are in no condition to handle that!"

Thor looked hurt. "What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" He asked.

"Cheeze whiz?" Rhodey joked.

"Lightning!" Thor cheered.

Tony shook his head at the thought of Thor using his electrical energine and destroying the base.

"It's gotta be me!" Bruce spoke up. "You saw what those stones did to Thanos, it almost killed him and none of you could survive."

Steve looked at Bruce. "How do we know you will?" He asked.

Bruce looked to the ground. "We don't," He admitted. "The radiation is mostly gamma... It's like I was made for this!"

Rocket, Erin and Tony help Bruce put the gauntlet on his hand the secure the stones in place. Slowly everyone stepped back to give Bruce some room; Steve protectively stood in front of Erin and Tony, ready to shield them from any radiation.

"Remember everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bring them back." Tony spoke up. "Don't change anything from the last five years."

Bruce nodded. "Got it."

"Activate Barn door protocol," Erin spoke up.

The base went into lockdown, a shield went up the windows and doors protecting the outside world...

Bruce clicked his fingers then began to scream in pain as he tried to keep calm but it's too much. Power pumped through the gauntlet as Bruce uses all his might to stay up straight but it was too much and he collapsed to the ground with a thud causing the gauntlet to fly off his hand, Clint quickly kicked the gauntlet away from everyone.

Steve rushes over to Bruce and began to try and help him up. "Did it work?" Bruce asked.

The team shared a sad look. "It was worth a shot," Tony said softly. "It's okay."

As the team bowed their heads in defeat Clints phone began to ring, with a frown Clint looked at the called ID...

"Honey?!" Clint asked as he answered the phone.

Everyone looked at Clint as he smiled down the phone...

"It worked!" Scott whispered.

Steve and Tony looked at one another. "Peter!" They said in sync.

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