He's safe!

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Tony was perched on the edge of the coffee table, his arms crossed and a very annoyed look on his face. In front of Tony was Erin who was sat against on the couch with her arms crossed and a blank expression on her face.

"Erin I will ask you again, where is Peter?" Tony asked slowly trying to hold his anger in.

The blonde just looked at her Father. "I don't know," She told him.

"Erin Rogers- Stark you tell me where your brother is right now!" Tony demanded.

The six year old flashed Tony a deadly glare. "He his not my brother!" She growled .

Tony ran his hands through his hair. "Honey we can sit here all night and wait for your Dad to come home!" He told her. "And he really won't be happy!"

Erin just sat that there not really caring about what could happen if she didn't say where her baby brother was, Tony's patience was almost at rock bottom and his daughter didn't seem to care. About an hour ago Erin had dragged baby Peter into a hiding spot on his blanket and left him in the hiding spot fast asleep.

"Daddy can I go now?" Erin asked with a little huff.

"WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER?" Tony shouted.

Yeah now Tony was mad.

"What's going on?" Steve asked as he entered the mansion.

Erin shrugged then hopped off the couch but Tony quickly grabbed her. "Erin's done something to Peter," Tony announced.

Steve glared at his daughter. "Erin..." He warned.

The six year old crossed her arms. "I don't know where he his!" She lied.

"Okay no gym time later," Steve told her.

The small blonde pouted. "But Daddy-"

"I don't want to hear it Erin, you need to tell me where Peter is right now or you are grounded until you are twenty one!" Steve told her.

Erin huffed. "JARVIS you can tell them now!" She said out loud.

"Thank you Miss Erin, Mister Stark and Mister Rogers Peter is in washing basket in the laundry room," JARVIS spoke up.

Steve and Tony glared at their daughter. "At least he's not hurt!" She told them.

Tony had to hold back his anger as his daughter stood there like nothing was wrong. "Erin I swear to God-" He began.

Steve took his daughters hand and pulled her down the hall before Tony could finish his sentence. "Let's go get him!" He told her.

The two blondes went into the laundry room and sitting the in pile of dirt washing was Peter who was happily playing with a dirty t-shirt. Tony slid past hid husband and picked their son up who just giggled and babbled to his Daddy.

Erin looked at Tony. "Told you he was fine!" She stated.

Tony glared at his daughter. "You are grounded!" He told her.

Erin's jaw dropped. "What?" She asked in horror then looked up at Steve. "Daddy please, that's not fair!"

Steve sighed. "I'm sorry sweetheart but you hide Peter, your Daddy was scared," He explained.

The little pre schooler stomped her foot and ran up to her room in a huff. Tony smelt his sons head and scrunched up his nose in disgust.... The baby needed a bath ASAP!

Steve looked up at the ceiling and listened to his daughter stomp around her room. "Steve I know what you're thinking, don't do it!" Tony told him.

The super soldier always had a soft spot for his little girl, whenever she cried he was there, whenever she needed help he was always there and whenever she needed a chat he was always there.

"Tony she doesn't understand," Steve told him.

The mechanic raised a brow. "Steve she's our daughter, she's smart and you know it!" He explained. "She needs to learn that this hiding Peter and pretending he doesn't exist is bad and she can't do it forever!"

Steve sighed. "I know I just still see that little toddler you brought home," He mumbled.

Tony pressed a gentle kiss to his husbands cheek. "I know but she'll learn," He told him. "We just have to be tough!"

And tough is what they were...

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