Bucky and Jane

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Thirty Minutes... Bucky and Jane had been left with Erin for thirty minutes and it was a nightmare!

"Erin no, stop it!" Bucky told the small toddler.

The little blonde had tears streaming down her face, she was following Bucky trying to touch his metal arm...

Jane sighed as she watched the two walk around the room. "Bucky just let her touch it!" She told him.

Bucky grunted. "NO!" He barked making Erin cry a little louder. "I could hurt her!"

"You're upsetting her!" Jane told him.

"She's upsetting me!" He stated.

Jane rolled her eyes. "Oh grow up!" She said then picked Erin up. "She's just a little girl who misses her Daddies!"

Erin cried into Jane's shoulder but reached out for Bucky. "Jane move her away from me!" Bucky told her.

"sit on the damn couch and let her sit on your lap!" She told him sternly. "Stop being a child!"

Bucky growled and threw himself on the couch. "If anything happens to her, Steve and Tony will kill me!" He told her.

Jane shook her head. "How much trouble can a two year old cause?" She asked then placed Erin on Bucky's lap.

Bucky tensed as the little girl sniffled on his lap, placed her little hand against the cold metal arm and she giggled, her little blue eyes were bright and happy. The soldier couldn't believe that by letting her touch his metal arm!

"Oooh," Erin cooed then gently tapped the metal.

Jane laughed lightly. "That's adorable!" She stated. "She's so cute!"

Erin giggled as she tapped the metal; Her tears were gone!

Bucky grunted and tried to relax, he pretended Erin wasn't there... He really didn't want to accidently hurt her!

"Deeve?" She asked and looked up at Bucky.

Bucky looked at Jane. "It's talking to me," He grunted.

"It is a she and her name is Erin!" Jane told him. "You're doing fine, talk to her!"

He sighed and looked down at the toddler. "Yes Erin?" He asked.

Erim smiled brightly. "Deeve?" She asked and pointed to the door.

"He'll be back soon," Bucky told her softly. "He always come's back!"

The little blonde smiled and rested her head on Bucky's chest, she sighed softly and closed her eyes. The two adults had guessed it was from all the crying she had done. Bucky was counting down the minutes until Tony and Steve returned to remove the child from him!

Adopted By StonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora