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WARNING- HUGE Civil war spoilers in this chapter please do not read if you do not want it spoiled!!

Erin was in her super suit, hiding in the shadows watching over the people of her home city; Recently her home life had fallen apart, her Father's old friend Bucky had been seen but it was rumored that he murdered the King of Wakanda, her other Father Tony wanted to hand everyone over to the government so they could control them... Her parents were at war!

It was hard watching her Dad get arrested on the TV with Bucky and Sam Wilson... They escaped but now its war... How did this happen?

"White wolf?" A familiar voice asked.

Erin shot round and saw Steve standing in a hoodie, jeans and a baseball cap; Erin put her voice changer on. "Captain America?" She asked. "How did you find me?"

"I got a man in the sky," He told her.

As Erin looked up Falcon flew through the sky above her. "What can I do for you?" She asked.

Steve sighed. "Where do you stand?" He asked. "Do you want to be controlled?"

Erin shook her head. "I like my identity hidden, I like doing things my way," She stated. "I don't want to start a war."

The Captain looked to the floor then back at the young teen. "I know this is hard but we need to stand together, the Avengers was all about being different to the police, CIA and FBI. People like us we understand what it's like to be different the government doesn't... Will you side with me?"

Erin stood there for a few moments so many thoughts going through her head; Steve's right but what about Tony, that sense of guilt and betrayal will eat away at her, what about Peter what's he doing about this, what happens if her parents find out about her new abilities?

The teen took a deep breath and stood proudly. "Team Cap all the way," She told him.

Steve nodded. "Thank you white wolf," He told her. As Cap went to turn away her stopped himself and looked at the young teen sadly. "We are meeting tonight, will you meet us at this address?"

Steve handed Erin a scrap piece of paper from his back pocket. "Of course," She told him. "See you then Captain."

Quick as a flash Erin took off through the streets, sliding through abandoned buildings changing back into her normal clothing and trying to shake off Sam if he was following her.

Once Erin was in her normal clothes she made her way back home, she didn't rush she took her time thinking about what tomorrows battle would bring... Would it be worth it?

The young teen was heading towards her room when she heard a bit of racket outside her younger brothers room? Erin opened the door to see Peter in a new Spider Man suit.

"Where did you get that?!" Erin asked.

Peter jumped in freight and fell off his computer chair. "Erin, it's not what it looks like!" He stated as he scrambled back up onto his feet. "It's not my fault."

"Wow hang on little brother, what's not your fault?" Erin asked in confusion.

Peter removed his mask. "I'm siding with Tony," He told me. "Dad came into my room, started asking about me the last couple of months, he found my costume and well he knows who I am."

"Does he know about me?" Erin asked in a worried tone.

"No, no he er only knows about me," He told his sister honestly. "I'm sorry to go against Steve but-"

Before Peter could finish Erin stepped in. "I'm on Steve's side."

"What?" He asked. "Are you sure?"

Erin nodded. "He doesn't know it's me yet but he will... At some point," She explained.

A sad silence was brought upon the two siblings. They didn't always get on especially when Peter first arrived but as they got older the two were inseparable, they were best friends...

"This won't change us," Erin stated. "You're still my baby brother."

Peter nodded. "I know, it just sucks," He stated.

Erin nodded then hugged Peter. "Stay safe little bro," She told him.

Peter smiled as he pulled out the hug. "Don't show off too much!"

The duo shared a chuckle and Erin watched Peter jump out the window with his backpack... Tomorrow was war.

A family was about to be divided into two.


Team Cap and Team Iron Man came together at the runway of an airport in Germany. The two teams stood a good distance apart staring each other down...

"Steve do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Black Widow asked.

Before Steve could answer Tony decided he was bored of talking. "I've run out of patience!" He stated then shouted. "Underoos!"

From no where Spider Man took Cap's shield off him and landed on top of a van next to Tony's team.

"Hey everyone," Spider Man greeted.

Steve shook his head. "You've been busy," He stated.

Tony was quick to fire back. "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. Rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave. A safe place. I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart," He explained.

"And you're doing a terrible job at it!" A voice spoke up.

"Who said that?" Tony ask.

A loud wolf's howl traveled through the airport field... Every looked to the plane behind Cap's team where a large white wolf stood proudly.

Tony scoffed. "You've been busy as well," He stated. "Alright, I'm done. You're gonna turn Barnes over and you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! We're squaded JSOC, guys, with no compunction about being impolite."

"We found it. The quinjet's in hanger five, north runway!" Sam stated.

Within seconds the runway was a battle field it was hero on hero; A few jokes and sarcastic comments were tossed around but the fighting was soon getting out of hand. Bucky and Sam were determined to string spiderman up with his own web, Wanda and Vision were having a little spat along with Tony and Steve.

The the big surprise came into light... Ant Man was no longer Ant Man... He was Giant Man.

Somehow Scott pushed a button on his suit and it made him grow into a giant version of him self and had hold of Rhodey!

"Go tic- tac!" Sam stated.

Erin turned to Cap and Barnes. "Come on, hop on!" She told them.

Due to Erin's wolf size and strength she was able to carry the two grown men and run to the hanger where Natasha was stood but she let them pass; The trio got on the hanger, Erin was now human sized and tagging along to help.


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