Four Years Later!

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A/N- You'll like what I have planned!!

Little Erin was now six years old and was in the second grade; Having Tony Stark as a role model was actually a good thing, his adopted daughter learnt many things and grew very intelligent very quickly, she learnt new words and phrases like wild fire, she enjoyed doing puzzles with Steve and reading books with him when he had a long day fighting crime so they kinda helped her skip a few grades!

Steve had picked Erin up from school and was driving her home, the little six year old told her Dad about how great her day was and that she was a pro at writing sentences without any help and that she drew a picture of all three of them to put on the fridge.

"Okay honey your Dad and I have a surprise for you up stairs," Steve told her as they got out the car.

Erin gasped as Steve took her hand and held her bag in his other hand. "REALLY?" She squealed in excitement.

Steve nodded as they hopped in the elevator and went up to the top floor. When the elevator opened Erin gasped at the sight of the hall way, it had boxes dotted all over the place and the song 'twinkle twinkle little star' was softly playing. Erin frowned as Steve walked her up the hall, past his and Tony's room and past her room to a little room at the end of the hall; Erin remembered that Tony had put that room in about a year ago...

Slowly Steve opened the door and let Erin walk inside... The room was blue and white, in the middle of the room was a crib that Tony was standing over and was smiling softly.

"Baby girl come here," Tony whispered.

Frowning ever so slightly Erin went over to her Dad and let him pick her up. "What's that?" Erin asked in disgust.

Steve chuckled. "That's your new little brother, Peter," He explained. "You two are going to be best friends."

Erin glared at the sleeping baby the looked at Tony. "Daddy if I don't like him can we kick him out?" She asked.

"No," Tony told her as he placed her on her feet.

Erin turned to Steve. "Daddy if I don't like him can we give him to Fury?" She asked.

Steve huffed and crossed his arms. "No," He said sternly.

"If I don't-" Erin began.

"NO!" Steve and Tony said in sync.

The six year old pouted. "I don't want him here!" She told them and crossed her arms.

Steve sighed softly. "Erin, we've wanted this for a long time," He explained softly. "He's our baby now!"

Erin sighed. "But I'm your baby, not that slug!" She stated as she pointed to the baby.

"Erin you'll love him when he wakes up," Tony told her. "Come on let's start dinner."

"Will it be there?" Erin asked.

Steve sent his daughter a stern look. "Yes Peter will be there!" He told her.

Erin glared at her new brother and walked out the room followed by her Fathers.. This was going to be fun?

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