Go To Sleep!

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"Daddy up!" Erin said to Steve as they walked around back stage.

This evening Tony was holding a massive Independence Day ball for all the American soldiers.

Tonight was also Steve's birthday but Tony knew Steve hated celebrating his birthday because of how old he was so the birthday celebration was something they planned on doing in private.

Steve carried Erin around back stage; The duo were going to stay away from the large crowds and just stay with close friends such as the other Avengers.

Steve went into the main room and waited with the Avengers for Tony's big entrance; Steve expected big fireworks, loud music, dancers and much more.

"Where Daddy?" Erin asked as she looked up at the sky.

Steve followed her line of sit and saw a jet. "He'll be here in a minute sweetheart," He told her and kissed her head.

"You look lovely tonight," Natasha told Erin as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Erin smiled brightly. "Thank you," She told Natasha and played with Steve's tie.

"What did Tony get you for your birthday?" Bucky asked.

Steve smiled. "He brought me some records, made me some new gadgets for my suit and I've got a new phone," He told him. "Not sure how to work the damn phone though."

Everyone shared a laugh remembering the time when Steve was first given a phone... He looked at the device like it was from another planet.

"Nothing new there then," Clint stated and chuckled a little.

Steve rolled his eyes and the group shared a few giggles.


Suddenly loud music began to play, indoor fireworks were going off around the stage and from the sky Iron Man flew over the crowds then onto the stage.

Steve shook his head as he watched his husband exit the iron man suit and walk towards the mic at the front of the stage.

Erin wriggled in Steve's arms making him put her down. The two year old ran towards the stage as Tony spoke to his audience.

"DADDY!" Erin shouted as she jumped up and down.

Tony looked down and smiled as a performer lifted Erin up onto the stage.

Tony picked his daughter up and held her near the mic. "This is my beautiful daughter Erin," He stated. "Say hey baby!"

Erin looked at Steve in the audience. "Daddy wook!" She said down the mic making everyone laugh.

Tony chuckled. "Can you say, free bar?" He asked her.

"Three bar!" Erin giggled.

"There is a free bar everyone just letting you all know!" Tony added. "Okay so tonight, have fun and enjoy yourselves. THANK YOU!"

Tony carried Erin off the stage and towards his husband and group of friends. Steve and Tony shared a little kiss then they both kissed the sides of Erin's cheeks making her squeal in happiness.

"You guys like it?" Tony asked everyone.

The group nodded. "It's so you!" Maria Hill told him.

Tony smiled. "Well thanks!" He told her then looked at Erin. "You like it don't you baby girl?"

Erin nodded and hugged her Daddy's neck. "She adores you guys!" Rhodey stated looking at the little girl. "Appreciate her being this small and cute!"

Natasha nodded. "Little girls grow up fast!" She told them.

Steve sighed, he really didn't want to think about raising a teenage daughter who would have Tony Stark as a role model. Erin could turn out to be the ultimate diva!

"She's staying our baby!" Tony stated.

Clint just laughed. "Yeah that's not gonna happen!" He told them. "Relax her teenage years will be fun and games!"

Steve and Tony shared a look... They were happy to wait for Erin's teenage years!

"Shall we dance?" Tony asked.St

Steve nodded. "Sounds great!" He told his husband.

Clint took Erin off Tony. "I'm dancing with Erin!" He announced and walked towards the dance floor spinning Erin around.

Through out the night everyone drank a lot of alcohol and had a turn dancing with Erin but the fun had only just begun...


"STEVE LOVE ME!" Tony shouted from the backseat of the car.

Steve shook his head as he drove his daughter and husband home. It was now early hours in the morning, Erin was tired and Tony was really drunk!

"Tony can you sit on the seat properly please?" Steve asked as he glanced at the rear view mirror.

Tony was sprawled on the back seat, his upper body hanging off the edge of the seats. "Steve I love you, more than alcohol and more than my tools!" He told his husband.

Steve chuckled softly. "I love you too but I will leave you on the side of the road if you don't stop shouting!" He told him.

"You love it when I shout your name!" Tony stated.

Steve blushed and glanced at his confused daughter. "I can't wait to stick you both in bed," He stated and carried on driving.

Tony continued to sing at the top of his lungs, Erin was now incredibly grumpy because the noise kept waking her up. Steve finally pulled into the garage and carried Tony over his shoulder and Erin on his hip up to their room's.

Steve lay Tony on their bed and took Erin into her room; He got her dressed into her PJs then tucked her into bed, just seconds later she was out like a light.

As Steve walked back into his bedroom he saw Tony lying on the floor... His pants we stuck round his ankles, his shirt was stuck round his head and his blazer was on top of a lamp.

"What would you do without me?" Steve mumbled and help Tony with his clothes.

Once Tony was freed from his clothed prison, he hugged Steve's body tightly and breathed in his smell. "You smell like chocolate!" He stated and licked Steve's cheek. "Shall we make another baby?"

Steve pealed Tony off his body. "We didn't make Erin," He reminded the drunk. "You found her then we adopted her!"

Tony sighed dramatically. "Whatever, anyway we should have another one!" He told Steve.

"You need to go to sleep!"

"I want another baby!"

"Go to sleep!"


"Tony shut up and go to sleep!"

"I think we should have a baby boy!"

Steve groaned and mentally prayed Tony would fall asleep. The mechanic began to ramble on how amazing it would to have another baby, all Steve could think about how amazing a bit of sleep would be.

"It's going to be a long night!" Steve mumbled as Tony stumbled around the room.

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