Scary People

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After Breakfast Tony changed Erin's diaper and dressed her in some clothes Pepper brought over; It was safe to say that Erin made Tony feel something he hadn't been able to feel before. The two were sat in the living room watching '101 Dalmations'...

"Hang on a minute the dog had FIFTEEN puppies!" Tony stated. "STEVE!"

"WHAT?" Steve asked as he came into the living room.

"Could you imagine waking up one morning, having your wife in labour then she gives birth to FIFITEEN babies?" He asked.

Steve laughed lightly. "No I can't imagine it Tony because I have a husband," He explained.

"I would never pop fifteen babies out!" Tony stated

"Well it's a good job you don't have to!" Steve told him.

Tony and Steve shared a laugh and the three of them continued to watch the film; Erin's eyes ere glued to the screen, she was giggling at the little puppies running around.


The elevator door opened to reveal Fury and a man in a suit...

"Stark, Rogers," Fury greeted as he walked in.

"I am Kyle Thomas, I am here to take Erin into care," The man in the suit told them as he pulled out his social services badge.

Erin climbed on Tony's lap and held onto his t-shirt tightly, she buried her face into the crook of his neck. Steve looked at Tony...

"Can you give us a minute?" Steve asked.

Kyle nodded. "Yes, please take your time," He told them.

Steve led Tony and Erin into the kitchen; Tony leaned against the kitchen counter holding Erin close to his chest.

"Tony what's wrong?" Steve asked.

Tony didn't look at Steve. "She's shaking," He stated. "She didn't do this when I brought her here, when she met you!"

Steve sighed and looked at Erin clinging to Tony's shirt. The super soldier moved a piece of Erin's hair out of her face, her blue eyes were red and teary...

"She needs to go with Mister Thomas," Steve told him.

Tony looked at Steve, "Maybe she doesn't?" He suggested.

Steve frowned. "Tony?" He asked.

"Can we keep her?" He asked softly making Steve's eyes grow wide. "We did a great job yesterday!"

"Tony that's not the point!" Steve told him. "Children are a lot of work, you have to understand that!"

"I do, Steve, I really do!" Tony told him. "But look at her, she doesn't want to go!"

Steve sighed looking at Erin... Could they do it, could they manage being hero's and look after a two year old?

After fifteen minutes of talking/ arguing Tony, Steve and Erin came out of the kitchen. Erin was in Steve's arms clinging to his chest, her face pressed firmly against his collar bone not wanting to see the two men.

"We are very sorry mister Thomas but Erin will be staying with us," Tony told him.

Kyle frowned. "I'm sorry?" He asked.

Steve tightened his grip on Erin's body feeling protective. "I will be sending my PA and my solicitor to your officer in two hours to get the adoption papers sorted," Tony explained. "Sorry!"

Mister Thomas just nodded and went to the elevator and left. Fury began to laugh breaking the silence... "Barton now owes me fifty bucks!" He stated.

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