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When Tony finally got home Steve and Erin were eating dinner in the kitchen; Erin was in her little onesie and Steve was shirtless and in his sweat pants.

Tony growled at himself because he knew what he did was stupid and dangerous, he needed to do his job but he couldn't leave his daughter alone.

Tony made his way into the kitchen and smiled at Steve but got a cold look in return. "I'm sorry Steve," Tony said sadly. "I made sure she was safe!"

Steve shook his head and picked up their daughter who had finished her food. "That's not the point Tony, you knew- we agreed that we would never expose her to our work for as long as we could!" He snapped.

Tony looked at his feet. "I wasn't going to leave her on her own, she was safe!" He told Steve.

Steve shook his head. "Just stop repeating yourself it's getting a little boring," He told his lover. "Erin say goodnight to Tony."

Steve placed Erin on the floor and watched her skip over to Tony and jump into his arms. Tony placed soft kisses all over Erin's face and hugged her; Steve knew Tony loved their daughter but he wanted his lover to see how stupid his actions were!

"Nigh Daddy!" Erin said to Tony.

Tony smiled. "Goodnight baby girl!" He told her then placed her on her feet.

Erin ran over to Steve and let him pick her up and carry her to her room.

Tony ran out the kitchen and to his room, he dived in the shower quickly washed his sweaty body, wrapped a towel around his waist, ran to the garden and picked a few roses, he ran back to the bed room and scattered the petals on the bed, he then ran into the kitchen grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, he ran back to the bedroom, dimed the lights, poured the wine and lay on the bed.

Stark naked...

Tony will get his man back!

When Steve was sure Erin was fast asleep he crept out her room and down the hall.

The super soldier sighed and rubbed the back of his neck; He hated falling out with his husband, he hated arguing with him and he hated seeing him upset.

Steve opened the bedroom door and saw Tony lying on the bed... NAKED.

"Good evening, Captain," Tony said in a husky voice.

Steve took a deep breath and composed himself. "Put some clothes ," He mumbled and went over to his closet.

Tony pouted and scrambled over to Steve, he wrapped is arms around Steve's waist. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have took Erin with me, it was stupid and wrong, and I'm sorry!" Tony told him.

Steve smiled at Tony's apology but kept ignoring him...

"STEEEEEEEEVE!" Tony whined into Steve's back. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"

Steve walked away from Tony and lay on the bed, he kept his eyes on the cream coloured ceiling. Tony dived onto Steve, straddling his waist then began to kiss and nip his jaw, neck and collar bone.

Steve moaned then flipped the two of them over so he was on top pinning Tony who now lay there shocked. "Are you really sorry?" Steve asked.

Tony nodded. "It won't happen again, I swear it was a one time thing!" He told Steve.

The soldier smiled. "I guess I can forgive you," He mumbled into Tony's ear then nibbled it.

Tony moaned. "I love you," He whispered.

Steve kissed Tony's cheek. "I love you too!" He told him.

The two carried on with their activities and luckily their daughter slept through the whole night which the two super hero's were more than happy about!

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