Trouble Making Teens

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"I'll kill them!" Tony stated as he and his husband marched through the Avengers Town.

Steve shook his head. "I knew they were up to something!" He growled. "I told you and you didn't listen!"

Tony rolled his eyes. "You're always telling me they aren't up to trouble!" He snapped.

The two superhero's had gotten a call from Maria Hill explaining that she had to pick up Erin and Peter from school due to their behavior. Steve and Tony had flown all the way back from China fuming about their children being removed from school... It wasn't looking good. The two hero's were still in their suits!

Steve opened the door to his office and saw Erin spinning around in his chair and Peter was looking through his camera. The two looked innocent... But they were far from it!

"Hey!" The two teens greeted.

Tony's metal feet stomped on the floor. "Really?" He asked in a harsh tone. "That's how you want to start this conversation?"



The two teens said in sync causing them both to frown at each other... Steve face palmed...

"Here we go," The soldier sighed.


"You need to stick up for yourself!"

"At least I don't think I'm gods gift!"

"I have confidence, something you clearly need!"

"No I don't need you playing hero!"

"Oh shut up, I've always looked out for you!"

"You don't need to get involved in my business!"

"You're my little brother so that makes it my business!"

"STOP IT!" Tony yelled silencing the teens. "You two are a damn nightmare, what the hell happened?"

"We'll never have a calm family discussion will we?" Steve sighed.

"Why do you guys care?" Erin asked. "You're never here anymore!"

Tony frowned. "Yes we are!" He defended. "We are always here for you."

Erin pointed to Peter. "He gets bullied, you guys don't know shit!" She stated.

"Erin watch your language!" Steve told her then looked at his son. "Is this true?"

Peter glared at his sister. "I can take care of myself, I don't need help!" He snapped. "I can handle myself!"

Erin rolled her eyes. "Obviously not Pete!" She told him.

"What happened?" Steve asked his children.

"A guy was fighting with Peter, I stepped in and stopped the guy before he seriously hurt my brother," Erin explained. "Didn't realise protecting my brother was a bad thing!"

Tony looked at his son. "Peter-"

"Just forget it!" The teenage boy snapped. "It's not easy having a well loved sister and super parents. I like my own company and taking pictures, why can't people accept that's me?"

"Son we'll talk to the school, get things sorted," Steve told him. "We love you, both of you and we will protect you."

"But for the record we are very pissed off that the school sent you home!" Tony pointed out. "You're both grounded!"

Steve pinched the ridge of his nose. "You just encourage the cursing." He mumbled.

The teens rolled their eyes. "Whatever," They said in sync and left the office.

Tony huffed. "We need to keep a close eye on them," He stated.

Steve sighed and nodded. "We need to protect our children better," He agreed.

The teens walked down to the towers garage and stood by their Father's car both children looking angry and worried.

"I did what I had to do," Erin stated. "You lost control and almost used your powers!"

Peter sighed. "I know, that was too close," He told his sister. "We need to control them, quickly before our Dad's find out."

Erin nodded. "I can't believe we got affected so badly," She mumbled.

Peter looked at his sister. "Yeah but Erin, we could become hero's?" He suggested making his sister smile.

"Let's control our powers first," She told him.

Little did Steve and Tony know that a few weeks ago their children went on a mini mission into some labs and well things didn't go to plan. While the teens were snooping around some chemicals spilled onto Erin's skin and gave her amazing strength, speed and the ability to change into a wolf, as for Peter he was bitten by a tiny robotic spider and given the same abilities as a spider, spinning web, the ability to climb up walls and flexibility.

Two teens with powers... What could go wrong?

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