Did you know? Duh?

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After Scott Lang raided the kitchen cupboards for food and a few arguments between Steve and Erin, Natasha was able to round the trio up and into a car to find the one person who could help them with their time machine... They were holding onto hope.

The car ride was very awkward. Steve had to almost battle Erin to get the address out of her then he had to drag her into the car fearing she would try to build the time machine; Erin was smart, very smart but time was something you shouldn't play with, Steve had watched movies with Erin as she grew up and he had seen what messing with time could do...

"Why am I here again?" Erin mumbled from the back seat.

"I thought you had snapped out of your moody teen years when you turned twenty?" Natasha asked.

"Family road trip?" Scott asked with a smile.

Erin looked to Scott. "You're just pleased to be here, aren't you?" She asked.

Scott nodded. "You guys are legit superheros," He stated. "Hopefully we'll get everyone back!"

Erin couldn't help but laugh at how excited Scott was to be sat in the car with them, Scott even got excited when Natasha offered to make him a coffee, he said he was honoured the great black widow wanted to kepp him alive... Erin thought Scott was very much like a puppy who got adopted from the pound.

"Anyway, do you actually think he'll help us?" Erin asked Steve. "I know he'll be happy to see Natasha but as for me and you, I doubt we'll get a 'I missed you' hug."

Steve glared at Erin through the rear view mirror. "You were the one who was still in contact," He shot back.

"Was!" Erin corrected. "Times change and people change."

"You changed?" Steve challenged.

Erin rolled her eyes. "You'll see," She mumbled.

Steve drove the car down the dirt roads. All four passengers stayed silent taking in the glorious view, trees and wildlife passed them by, the scenes were calming and beautiful put that sick feeling wouldn't budge from the pit of their stomachs, they all still had that slight worry... What if?

Soon a lonely log cabin came into view... Outside the cabin were a few toys, a small picnic bench and a tent.

Steve looked at his daughter in the rear view mirror but she turned her head to look out her window sighing softly as they slowly pulled up in front of the wooden porch. The four all climbed out the car staring at Tony Stark holding a beautiful brown haired girl...

"Is that?" Natasha asked softly.

Steve looked at Erin through the rear view mirror. "Did you know?" He asked softly.

Erin huffed. "Duh!"

Natasha looked to Erin who had her eyes fixed on the ground then she looked at Tony who was incredibly shocked to see the group in his front yard. The adults walk up the steps to great Tony but Erin stayed by the car for a few moments, the memory of the last time she was here replayed in her head and she was hurt by Tony's actions, angry about how she reacted and guilty for Steve seeing the girl now.

"Erin?" Steve called.

With an unsteady breath Erin made her way round the cabin towards the lake, she walked just a small way from the house then sat down on the grass listening to the calm waves of the water, the wind moving the trees and the birds flying over her... So many years had passed since her Dad's were together and they were happy, so many things had happened and her family was split, he brother was gone and-

"Hey!" A voice spoke breaking Erin's train of throught.

Erin turned to see the brown haired girl. "Hey," Erin whispered.

The girl smiled. "My names Morgan!" She greeted. "I'm your little sister."

Erin frowned. "Y- You know who I am?" She stuttered in shocked.

"Daddy talks about you all the time!" Morgan told her. "He said you have an ay- titude problem!"

"Erm you mean an attitude problem?" Erin asked in confusion.

"Yeah that too!" Morgan giggled. "He has pictures of you in his tool box that's in the garage and of a boy."

Erin frowned as Morgan sat down beside her. "What boy?" She asked.

Morgan sighed. "Daddy said he's gone, he lost him but not at the shop," She explained. "Daddy gets upset when he talks about him, he said he lost the boy then he lost you... Where did you go?"

The blonde was lost for words, she didn't know what to do or say, she just stared at the doe eyed girl before here.

"Listen it's a er long story, one that I can't tell you," Erin said honestly.

"Do you still love Daddy?" Morgan asked. "Do you like me, I like you, you're very pretty!"

Erin sighed softly trying to figure out what she was going to say to the little girl in front of her. Morgan was completely innocent in the family feud, the girl shared the DNA of both Erin's Father's but yeah... It's complicated.

"I've always wanted a big sister," Morgan told Erin sweetly smiling at the lake infront of them.

Morgan shuffled closer to Erin so they were inches apart. Erin studied Morgans face, she had small traces of dirt on her nose and chin, her hands were dirty too and she reminded Erin so much of herself when Tony first found her... All those years ago.

Without thinking Erin pulled the child into an embrace. "I'm so sorry," Erin whispered quietly.

"Why?" Morgan asked softly looking up to stare at Erin.

"For everthing," Erin told her. "When all this is over I'll make up for every little thing that I missed."

Day one Erin couldn't stand her little brother Peter, it took time but she soon learned to love him, Erin couldn't live without him and these past five years have been the hardest. Erin kept a desk with many of Peter's belongs on so it felt like he was still there and she could talk to him but it wasn't enough and it will never be enough... Erin thought this could be her second chance to be the big sister she failed to be with Peter?

"Maybe Tony was right," Erin mumbled.

Morgan frowned. "What?" She asked.

"A second chance," Erin stated quietly.

"MORGAN!" A familiar voice called; The two girls turned to see Pepper standing on the porch. "Can you go save your Father?"

The duo stood up and Erin placed her hand on Morgan's shoulder. "I'm trying to save the world but I'm going to grab my second chance and be your big sister, I failed once but not this time!" Erin stated in a strong voice. "I'll do whatever it takes!"

With a wide smile Morgan hugged Erin tightly and cheered. "I'm really happy you want to be my big sister forever," She cheered. "We'll have lots of fun in Daddy's garage!"

As Erin pulled from the hug Morgan dashed round to the front of the house. With a faint smile Erin makes her way to the front of the house, she watched Natasha, Steve and Scott walk towards the car, Steve looked around until his eyes landed on his daughter and he smiled softly.

"Bye Erin!" Morgan shouted waving her hand around.

Erin couldn't help but smile. "See you around, dirt monkey!" She shouted back with a smirk.

Both Steve and Tony shared a shocked look at Erin's words as she made her way to the car.

"Want to talk about it?" Steve asked.

Erin glanced at Tony and Morgan. "No, I don't think I will," She stated then climbed into the car. "Hey Scott wanna watch a movie?"

"Hell yeah!" Scott cheered. "Hey is the terminatior still around?"

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