Wakanda Life

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WARNING- Infinity war spoilers.




Since the war between Captian America and IronMan the Avengers were split.

Everyone on Cap's team including Natasha Romanoff went into hiding all around the world doing their bit to help keep people safe.

After Bucky was frozen in Wakanda Erin decided to stay with King T' Challa AKA Black Pantha to help keep his people safe and help Bucky Barnes gain control over his body again with the help of T'Challa's sister Shuri who Erin had grown very close to, since being seperated from Peter Erin felt like a piece of her was missing and Shuri filled that place since she reminded Erin of Peter.

Peter would text Erin all the time about how he and Tony were doing handling their lives without her and Steve... Peter admitted it took a long time for Tony to heal but he's okay, the two had recently saved New York from a new villan who was using Loki's Army of Chitauri's weaponry to make insanly high powered weapons to other bad guys.

"Hey Wolfie!" Shuri greeted as she entered the lab with two drinks. "I saw Bucky's new arm and it looks crazy!"

Erin smiled as she looked away from her computer. "It's not that good," Erin told her.

"I'm telling you, it looks insane!" Shuri told her as she took a seat next to her. "The detail you put into the metal work is amazing!"

Shuri couldn't believe how clever Erin truly was when she came out of her shell. The two teens bounced ideas off each other all the time, working on armour for T' Challa and his army, keeping the network online and updating it to make it better and more accessable across the country even connecting to Steve's team so they could send codes to each other, sending updates on locations and missions.

"Have you spoke to your brother?" Shuri asked softly.

Erin sighed. "A couple of days ago," She stated. "He's supposed to be going a field trip or something, he seems fine and so is Tony."

Shuri and Erin have had the conversatoin about what happened with Erin's Fathers and like a good friend Shuri was a great listener and advisor, Erin never had a female figure to talk to, well apart from Natasha but as for someone her own ages who understands what kind of world she lives in... Nope Erin had no one until now.

"It's been two years since the battle, since I had seen or spoken to Tony, since I last saw my little brother," Erin sighed. "I miss them so much!"

Shuri put her arm around her friend. "Life's shit," She stated. "We have to look to the future and leave the past where it belongs."

Erin nodded. "Yes I do need to leave the past but God it hurts!" She stated sadly.

"Come on I have an idea for your Father's shield!" Shuri stated and she went up to the table in the middle of the room. "Steve always said he would come back if we needed him so I figured he would need a new and improved shield made out of Vibranium, I made adjustments so it can obsorb damage just like my brother's suit."

Erin joined her friend at the table watching her click and drag files, then blue prints came up of a shield with words and markings on it explaining what things did.

The blonde grinned. "This is awesome!" She stated. "I do hope he never has to use it but it will be good to have as a just incase!"

Shuri nodded. "I can't wait to get started!" She said with a wide smile.

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