Chapter 28: Jasmine

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The lake was calm; an odd occurrence in the Realm of air. Normally, the waters rippled, disturbed by the winds that rushed across the plains from the mountains. I had spent so many long afternoons by the lake with Brae, Imogen, Devon and Cameron. When Brae's powers had first emerged, he had whipped them into a frenzy in the centre of the lake. When Cameron's had followed, the boys had mock battles, flinging objects through the air. Imogen had gone for style over force, creating glittering tornadoes of dust and sand. All the while the lake's waters had tossed and churned in the background. But today the water was still, placid, tranquil. I had never seen it like this before; a perfect mirror of the world around its shores. The sun reflected in a stunning fiery orb; a mirror of my heritage in the Realm I had made my home. It was beautiful.

My eyes blinked open slowly, the haze of sleep reluctant to clear my mind. I had never seen the lake like that before. Somehow, like the dreams I had of Brae in the Helian Realm, I knew that there was some truth to this one. It was more than just a figment of my imagination. I was certain that if I went down to the lake this morning, it would be just as I had seen in my dream. My heart thrummed in anticipation.

Eager not to waste time, I threw on some clean clothes, a thick jumper and my boots then headed out at once. It was early. Dawn was barely breaking; the merest glimmer of the sun's rays peaking up over the horizon. The castle was silent, its inhabitants still sleeping soundly in their beds, unaware that such a strange phenomenon was occurring in their landscape.

The lake was exactly as I had expected; more akin to the smooth waters of the Brizan Realm than the choppy waves I was used to encountering at home. That should have been my first warning. My second should have been the way the wind continued to billow around me, even though the water itself remained untouched. And my third... That should have been the rustle in the trees behind me, which came all too late for me to prepare properly.

I wheeled around just as the blast of water hit me in the chest, sending me backwards towards the lake. I stumbled on the edge, my feet fighting for purchase on the rocks, as Emmanuel advanced, his eyes glinting dangerously.

"Still as stupid as ever, aren't you, mutant? I think all this time in the Arcan Realm has turned you into an Air-Head. It was all too easy to lure you out here." I would never admit it out loud, but I had to agree with him. Why had I come out here all on my own? Why didn't I realise that water this smooth was a cause for suspicion, rather than curiosity? For I realised now that it must have been Emmanuel's powers keeping them so calm.

Fear gripped my chest but I couldn't let the panic take control. My powers had advanced considerably since the last time we met and I wasn't as defenceless as Emmanuel presumed. I just needed to keep my wits about me. I focused all my energy on the attack, letting flames spring to life in my palms before shooting them at the Brizan in front of me. But Emmanuel parried them lazily with a mist of water, extinguishing them before they had a chance to get close. I threw my arms out in front of me, sending another arc of flames in his direction. But a shield of water erupted in front of him and they vanished once more. Changing tactics, I threw a ball of flames into the tree above his head, which seared through a branch, sending it tumbling to the ground where Emmanuel stood, forcing him to dive out of the way. It hit the floor with a crash but as the dust settled I realised my aggressor was still unharmed.

Getting to his feet, Emmanuel laughed, his voice cold and sharp. He swept his hands out in front of him and I summoned flames to my palms, ready to defend myself from the water I knew was coming. But nothing happened. Unnerved, my arms slipped just as a gigantic wave of water crashed into me from the lake behind, sweeping my feet from beneath me and flinging me, sprawled, before Emmanuel.

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