Chapter 47: Roxy

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I watched from the bowsprit as the harbour of the Arcan Realm came into view. I was sure that I could make out Brae, waiting for my return. But, unlike on our way out, the harbour was occupied by more than just Brae.

As we reached land, I could make them out clearly: his mother, with her shimmering silver hair, stood to his left, surrounded by the other Arcan Elders and Caleb. To his right, however, was a far more interesting group. There were six of them, four with flowing blue hair that marked them as Brizan Protectors. Beside the youngest boy was a girl with dazzling silver streaks running through her honey blond hair. The Brizan had his arm around her waist, as though he was supporting her, but the action was slightly too familiar, too personal. Perhaps Brae wasn't the only Arcan with a taste for Inter-Realm relationships.

However, it was the final figure who was the most arresting. Her hair was platinum blond, flowing down her back. A single strand of cerulean blue ran through it, which perfectly matched her eyes-tranquil pools of water in the middle of her porcelain skinned face. Queen Aurelia's beauty had not been exaggerated. Even age and tragedy could not diminish it.

I felt, rather than saw, my father stood beside me, as he looked across to the face of his former lover. She had already seen him too, her eyes were locked on his. Her face, already pale, seemed ghostlike as she watched him. But it was only for an instant, before she broke the link, her eyes scanning across the rest of the boat. When they found what they were looking for, she smiled widely-like dawn breaking after a cold winter's night. I heard my father's sharp intake of breath and looked down to his hands, which had gone white from their grip on the iron bar which ran around the boat.

But once we were back on land, I was quickly distracted from my father's anguish by Brae, as his cool arms wrapped around me, hugging me in tight. I felt my body tense, unsure that this was how we should be behaving with so many Arcans present, but it was only for a moment before my relief got the better of me and I relaxed into his arms. The chaos of the Helian Realm was behind me; this, here in Brae's arms, was my new home.

"You came back," he whispered in my ear, running his hands through my hair.

"Of course I did." I pulled away enough to look up at him, to see the fading concern on his face. "I said that I would and with Jazz at my side there was never really any doubt. Speaking of which..." I swivelled in his arms, so that I was still held tightly in his embrace, but could look for my half-sister.

She was with her mother and the Brizans. They were smiling, but there was a separation between them-she did not hug the Queen as she had her Arcan friend, or Brae's mother, who was now standing at the Queen's side. They were talking, but the Queen's eyes kept glancing in the direction of my father.

"What is she doing here?" I asked, slightly confused. I knew that Brae had called for Brizan back-up, but I didn't think that the Queen herself would come. I would have warned my father otherwise.

"I didn't expect her either, but I think with everything that was going on, she felt that she ought to get involved. I think she wanted to see Jasmine again too."

"They look... awkward."

"They've only met twice. And it's not like your relationship with your own mother is perfect. Speaking of which..."

"I left her in the Helian Realm. Out of the way."


"Not now, there are more important things to sort out. Come on," I said, breaking apart from Brae and pulling him over to them by the hand. "I think your expert skills in diplomacy are going to be needed."

"I was rather hoping I could leave this one to my mother actually..." He said, letting me lead him along reluctantly.

"Not a chance. Jasmine needs you. My father needs you. You're going to have to bring them all together."

Brae groaned, but didn't protest further.

On my way past, I grabbed my Dad by the arm, dragging him along with me. To my surprise, he didn't protest. He didn't even seem to acknowledge that I still had Brae attached to my other hand. He couldn't take his eyes off of the Brizan Queen.

As we pulled to a stop in front of the Brizan group, Brae stood, shocked for a moment before regaining his composure.

"Queen Aurelia, please let me reintroduce you to General LeMarc, who has come over from the Helian Realm to help our cause."

"It has been a very long time," the Queen said, softly.

"Sixteen years, I believe," he replied, his eyes darting over to Jasmine, whose cheeks coloured.

"General LeMarc, if we could perhaps have a moment to speak alone-"

"I don't see how that could possibly be a good idea," he answered coldly, cutting her off.

"Emmerich, please." Her decorum slipped-her tone was desperate, pleading.

"Aurelia..." My dad started, but couldn't go on.

"Imogen, Jasmine, why don't you help me and Roxy introduce the Brizan Protectors to the City Elders. Mother, would you come and help too?" Brae expertly led the group away from the couple, giving them a minute alone. It wasn't the sort of conversation either of them could have with an audience. I squeezed his hand in mine in a silent thanks, and saw Jasmine smile gratefully at him too as she took Imogen by the arm and helped her limp away.

Once we were over by the Elders, Brae's mother took charge of the diplomacy and introduced the Brizan Protectors to the group. Jasmine left Imogen with her Protector and came over to Brae and I. "Where's Tristan?" she asked, her eyes creased with concern.

"He's not back yet," Brae replied softly. "But that's not unexpected-it could take him a few more days to get completely round the island."

"We only have three more days," I reminded him. "Will he definitely be back before then?"

"I told him to make sure that he was-if it gets too close to Cinaer's deadline, there's not a lot of use in finding him anyway."

I looked over to Jasmine, wondering how she would take the news, but her eyes had strayed back to Queen Aurelia and our father. I followed her gaze. They were drifting away from the group, talking animatedly. They didn't seem to be on the best of terms, but they weren't at each other's throats, either. It looked as though the Queen was crying.

The other Helians were watching suspiciously. No matter what the outcome, this situation was going to be difficult for my father.

{Really sorry for the long break from posting, which I took for personal reasons. Should be back to updating regularly now - expect another instalment tomorrow! Thanks for sticking with me!}

Air {Elements of Power 3}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें