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"Wait!"Amelia shrieked. 'What are we doing?"

You see? I knew she was having second thoughts.

We all turned to look at her and Eric said, "We're running outside. Duh."

"No," I could see Amelia was beginning to freak out, she clearly wasn't handling all that was happening as well as we were. And that wasn't saying a lot.

"No," she repeated. "We can't go out there. Just listen to that. It's chaos. We are a group of children about to wade into the streets where a virus has driven people insane."

"But we have to go out and find Mfundo's mom." I said.

Amelia looked at Mfundo and said, "Mfundo, can't you see that this is ludicrous. We can't go out there. We need to formulate a plan."

"We already have a plan." Mfundo said."We find my mom, Amelia. I know you it's harder for you to understand this because you have a brother and two parents but she is the only family I have left and I am going to make sure that she is not dead."

Amelia's eyes were beginning to glisten with tears that threatened to fall. "Guys, I – I can't do this. This is crazy. Don't you understand that this is crazy! We're just kids!Let's wait for the police or the army or something!" Mfundo stepped towards Amelia and placed his hands on her shoulder but shewas firmly shaking her head.

"Okay," Mfundo said, "I understand that you're scared. But Amelia, if what Eric is saying it true –"

"Which it is, by the way." Eric said.

"– then that means that my mom is out there."

"But, it would be insane to go out there if what he's saying is true." But Mfundo just dropped his arms and said, "My mom is the only family I have. If you don't want to go then it's okay, but I am going. And nothing is going to stop me."

That sounded more like he was threatening any and all zombies. I had barely said anything during this so I opened my mouth to put in my two cents but before I could the door suddenly burst open and Mrs Hobkins came charging through.

I screamed and leaped backwards, dropping my nail gun in the process,and I stumbled back into the wall. Mrs Hobkins looked worse than she did last time. She had so much blood matted on her front that I almost wasn't surprised by that stench that hit me; it was a unique smell, something that I had never smelled before but instantly I knew that it came from the liquids and gunk that rested deep inside of our bodies that had never seen sunlight or felt fresh air.

But before I could examine her front anymore (not like I wanted to) it was obscured by Amelia as she was tackled to the floor by Mrs Hobkins. Amelia screamed at the top of her voice as Mrs Hobkins was prepared to chomp into the back of her head but before she could Mfundo suddenly stepped forward and hammered the end of his cricket bat into the back of her head. Mrs Hobkins glared at Mfundo and that was when he swung his cricket bat into her face. She rolled off of Amelia but was up before she was. I was still pressed against the wall, scared out of my mind and Mrs Hobkins looked at meas Mfundo helped Amelia up. Her face was still missing that cheek and was also still caved in from the Nokia attack.

She didn't look like she had forgiven me for that. But before she could do anything about it Eric suddenly tackled into her and took them both into the wall. Her head smacked into the wall and Eric didn't waste a moment as he slashed at her thighs and immediately leaped back. She groaned but more in hunger than actual pain as she stepped towards us with an unsteady step and dark blood slowly trickling down her thighs.

F*** Cancer, This One Did Us All In.Where stories live. Discover now