Chapter one

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Sadness. The one emotion I seem to cross paths with quite regularly. Never truly am I satisfied with what is  there until it vanishes into thin air. As I toss and turn, ever more perplexed, insecurities take advantage of the moment to  ruin the perfectly good sleep I planned on getting before being woken up to the harsh reality that is today. 

At this point, there is no relevance in willing myself to get even a wink of sleep, seeing that there are only two minutes left of silence before the alarm clock blares its ever startling beeping. my gaze trails to the little rays of sunlight that stream into my room, gliding over the silky violet sheer curtains that adorn the windowpane. i watch as the dust particles glisten and dance in all their glory, spreading a feeling of warmth and comfort within me.         

i slowly rise from my bed, steadying myself as i walk across the room into my bathroom, the distance seemingly larger than usual today. Turning on the faucet, i slash my face with some cold water, reducing the fatigue that comfortably masks my facial muscles.

"Looks like miss groggy pants is awake!"  I hear Serena, my wolf bellow within my head. i jump startled as glare settles upon my features. "Well hello to you too sunshine." I sarcastically grumble, "What's got you in in such a happy mood?" questioning her unusually joyous mood. i stare at my reflection ,raising a thick brow at my wolf's sudden greeting.  Between the two of us, I'm always the ecstatic and annoying one but it seems like the tables have turned today. " I'm just really excited for today. I don't know why but I can't wait to get back to school. And no, it's not just because of the change in our appearance. I have a feeling something good is gonna happen today. That's all." she responds. School... A feeling of uneasiness begins to rise once again within me. "I wish I could say the same." i sigh, " i just hope I don't draw too much attention... it's bad enough we draw most of the school's attention for being the alpha's daughter and all." My nose scrunches up in discomfort.                   


"Seriously though," Serena speaks, "What's going on with you Hayley?" concern lacing her usually dull tone. I ponder on whether keepin it to myself or telling her would be best but settle for the latter. "I'm just... I'm not completely satisfied with our new look. I feel like it's not... enough." I mumble at the ending, barely sparing myself a glance from the full body mirror by the closet door. "Really Hayley?" Serena asks, irritation masking each letter. "My appearance has changed. No more braces or extra baby fat...but its not enough" voicing out my thoughts, I start to feel even more disappointed in my self, questioning if there's more to be fixed. Serena stays silent but seemingly upset. I feel her vexation spread throughout my entire body. Great one more unhappy person on a monday morning. Good job Hayley.

Deciding not to ponder on the issue, I put on a halter top, shorts, sneakers and a loose cardigan and head off to school without a second thought on skipping breakfast.

So that's the first chapter to my first book ever 😅

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