Chapter twelve

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Hayley's POV

I can still feel the tingling sensation on my lips. My cheeks are as red as ever as I try paying attention during advanced physics. It's currently the last period of the day and Carson hasn't stopped bugging me on why I all over sudden smell like 'the enemy'. I simply glare at him when he brings the nickname up. "Please tell me there's a logical explanation as to why his scent is all over you?" He leans closer to me as more curious eyes snap our way. I'm really starting to regret picking Carson as my lab partner this year.

"Maybe he tried groping you again and you had to get rough with him for self defense. Yeah, that could be it." He nods after trying to reassure himself more than me, attempting to get my side of the story. "That's not it for a fact. I don't think you should even be meddling around with my personal life." I whisper while turning my head to look at him. His eyes darken to a dark blue shade as one eyebrow arches. "I think I should if the enemy is suddenly involved in your personal life and I'm not." "Oh for the love of- can't you just leave it alone? I don't have to tell you everything." My voice raises after the bell rings, bring the lesson to an end and hopefully the conversation.

Jumping off the stool, I quickly grab my bag, tossing my physics binder in and rush out the door. Carson follows me, pushing anyone that tries to block him. He grabs my wrist and spins me around before I can get to my locker." I can't just leave it alone Hails. You're better off not having his company." He states calmly while rubbing my arm. His gentle gesture infuriates me even more." "Why do you suddenly care about what goes on in my personal life? It's none of your business ." My voice slightly raise in a tone harsher than expected. "Why are you so mad at me? I'm just doing what best friends do, looking out for each other." He speaks with a louder voice. The halls have already cleared up, leaving me in this extremely awkward position.

Carson's eyes turn full black as he stares at something behind me. At the same time, a familiar scent fills the air, calming me slightly as I'm able to recognize it.

"Is everything okay Hayley?" Asks Christopher as his arm wraps around my waist. I'm about to respond but his growl cuts me off. I follow his cold gaze and notice Carson's hand, which is firmly placed on my own. "Leave her alone pretty boy. She doesn't need you ruining her life." Carson spits out as he glares at Christopher. This is such a deja vu moment. "Now is not the time." Serena coldly states through our link." I don't think mates can ruin each other's lives now can they?" He questions as his lips turn to a smirk.

Carson remains silent as he loosens his hold on my arm. He looks disappointed, really disappointed and as his friend, makes me sad knowing I have something to do with it. He turns and leaves, without any more words being exchanged.

"He had to find out at some point. Don't stress yourself, okay?" Christopher whispers in my ear, his free hand rubs my upper arm reassuringly. I turn in his embrace and gaze up at his beautiful chocolate and hazel orbs. He gives me a slight yet warm smile as his face lowers to mine. I slightly tip toe as my arms touch his chest. What he does next is not what I expected, at all.

His hand slides into my back pocket, taking out my phone and getting busy with it. " What are you doing?" I ask curious and a bit embarrassed from what he just did. He doesn't need to look up from the screen to know I'm blushing. He grins as his eyes finally meet mine, moving closer to me and getting us in the same position as before. "I figured it would be better if you had my number so we could talk during the weekend." His smile grows even more as he places my phone back in the same pocket it was in earlier." Who knew certain things I do could get you to blush this much? I can only imagine how you'd react if I-" " Okay I think that's enough dirty talk for one day." I cut him off while placing my  finger against his delectable lips. " You're yet to find out what dirty talk is beautiful."

"Who knew you had such a mouth on you all along?" I playfully ask while placing my arms back on his chest. He takes a curl from my hair near my ear and begins looping it around his finger gently. "Your hair, I like it. It's soft." I simply smile at him and steal a quick but short kiss from him. He doesn't have time to respond because I sprint down the hall way. "Goodbye beautiful!" He yells with a hint of laughter to his voice. "Bye pretty boy!" I yell back, turning my head back to see the glare I knew was coming my way from the nickname.

Hayley and Christopher are so adorable😍. That's the chapter so yeah...✌🏾

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