Chapter twenty

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Christopher's POV

"I can't believe you made me wear tights." I grumble and glare at Hayley. I know I agreed to do whatever she wants but tights were not part of the deal. "Oh don't be so grumpy. Besides, you have the legs to pull it off." He gaze shifts from my own to my legs, making the most uncomfortable feeling settle in my system. She winks at me in a mocking manner and presses the play button on the iPod, bringing the silent studio to life with music. The song shut up and dance by walk the moon blares through the system, managing to almost deafen me. My face morphs into one of complete boredom as it dawns on me. This song is the complete opposite of what I'm feeling.

"Come on." She tugs on my hand and tries to pull me off the wall.her eyebrows rise in a questioning manner while her usually soft eyes glare daggers my way, instilling a bit of fear in me. Sighing in defeat, I push myself of the wall and follow her to the center of the room. "Yay!" She claps her hands together in joy, "now for the stretches. They aren't as easy as they look." Pointing out cautiously, she gently slides onto the ground in the middle splits form. I shrug my shoulders and stretch my arms above my head. "Looks pretty easy to me." I state as my arms lean back to my sides although, I didn't miss Hayley's burning gaze as I stretched my arms and upper body. Noticing I caught her right in the act, she turns her head and lowers the rest of her body all the way to the ground. Its kind I shake my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts as I mimic her previous actions, trying to get in the same position as her. Key word being trying.

Hayley lets out a sigh of relief as she finally manages to straighten out my right leg. Meanwhile, I'm in an enormous amount of pain but apparently 'the harder the stretch is, the more good it'll do your body'. Whatever. "And we are done." I feel the release on my muscles as they relax. I lay flat on the ground and stare at the wooden ceiling. The studio is quite simple yet almost...perfect looking. The inside is large and spacious with walls inching to more than twelve feet at the lesst. The mirrors on most of the walls look clean to the touch as they reflect the sunlight settling in from the windows near the ceiling. My attention shifts to Hayley, noticing she was the only thing moving from the corner of my eye. She swiftly spins on her tip toed foot as the other pushes further to continue the action. The sunlight sparkles against her skin, setting a perfect glow onto it. She is so beautiful.

Her body shifts and faces me as she motions for me to move closer. "Have you had any dance experience?" Her tone playful, in an almost teasing manner. "Well, I can do a pretty nasty sponge bob." I say proudly over the statement. Learning the sponge bob is harder than trying to tie shoe laces on a stair case. So yes, it's very hard and highly dangerous. "Really? The sponge bob?" Her eyebrows raise as smile lines her luscious lips.

"Yes the sponge bob. Being able to do it basically earns you qualification to be a professional dancer." Her hands raise in surrender as she speaks. "Okay okay, whatever floats your boat." A different song starts to play as she moves closer to the middle of the floor.

As each movement is made, she seems to loose even more of her sense in reality and seeps into her own ultimate universe. Beautiful. Everything about her is more than enough to make my head spin, in a good way. She had changed earlier into a pair of black sweat pants and a purple tank top that end right above her belly button. In all honesty, I'm not complaining, seeing this relaxed version of Hayley makes me slightly less on edge than I usually am.

She ends in a slightly dramatic pause, marking the end of her routine and turns to me. Her breaths are heavy as her pants echo around the room when the music mutes. "That was... Wow." I make my way towards her with complete and utter shock on it. "Good. You ready to do it with me?" She asks with no trace of humor to her voice. Well this should be interesting.


"What ? No! Season two is clearly the best season of the vampire diaries." Hayley argues back as she turns down the car stereo and faces me. I briefly turn to her and smile a bit, knowing I hit a nerve. "I beg to differ. Clearly season one is the best season. I mean, it's the introduction to the show, details on the characters are true and not some made up stuff by the producers." Her eyes widen at my statement, her eyes burning the side of my face with an offended facial expression. She grumbles under her breath and crosses her arms with a slight pout. "You know, you're really cute when you pout." I say in a light tone, sparing a glance at her, only to find her glaring at me.

"Whatever." She shifts her position to face the other side. I place my arm on her knee but she immediately pushes it of. Although I didn't miss her shiver at my actions. "Oh come on now Hayley." I turn to her when the traffic lights turn red. She exhales deeply and turns the volume up as the song Are you mine by the Arctic Monkeys. I turn back to the road but spare her another glance. She mummers the lyrics as a small smile stretches across her lips.

"She's a silver lining, lone range riding through an open space." By now, she's pretty much gawking at me with a wide grin plastered on her face. I lift her hand in mine and bring it to my lips, giving it a feathered kiss. "And I can't help my self, All I wanna hear her say is are you mine." I sing out to her as we turn the corner, heading out of the highway and into the familiar bumpy road. "Where are we going?" She giggles and lightly pushes my shoulder.

"It's a surprise." I wink at her and flash her a smile, "And for future reference, never push the driver's hand. There's just something about road accidents that isn't appealing." She rolls her eyes and laugh at my humor. The sunset casts aglow upon her skin, making it even more flawless.

Sorry for the delay. I've been trying to piece the events together and I think I've finally gotten a solid plan for what's to happen later on. Sorry for the mistakes (chapter is currently unedited but I'm working on it) That's all I have to say for now (I'm not much of a talker 😅 ) until then my lovelies ✌🏾️💕

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