Chapter two

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Hayley's POV

Walking up to my locker has never seemed like the impossible until now. As the steps I take increase,more gasps erupt from bystanders, more attention is drawn towards me .
I sigh in relief as my locker comes into view, putting and end to everyone's gawking eyes.

I'm abruptly brought back to reality as I feel an arm placed on my elbow . Turning around slowly to face whoever broke my endless chain of thoughts , only to be met by my twin brother's questioning glare. "Really Hails ?" His voice seems to drop an octave."Where were you at breakfast?" He questions."Relax Reagan ."I respond,"I didn't feel like eating. No big deal."trying to calm him down . "No big deal? I get that you're on this mission to loose weight but that doesn't mean starvation is the answer."he whispers the last part. His brows furrow in frustration ,something he only does when upset, making him undeniably adorable.Though I can never tell him that because he might throw a hissy fit. I simply smile at him" I know you're concerned but I'm fine. I'm still stuffed from yesterday's dinner. I promise I'm okay ." I reassure him as I notice his glare slip back on. "Pinky promise?" He asked with a slight pout, holding up his pinky."Pinky promise." I chuckle slightly at out childish behavior as our hands withdraw from the 'sacred ' promise.

"Later Ree." I turn my head back to Reagan as I bid him goodbye ."Later Lee!" He calls back, drawing everyone's interest once more. I curse silently as I contemplate ways on how to deal with all the attention .

I pant heavily as I sprint the last lap coach Carter assigned before splitting us according to genders.
20 laps later and my body feels like it will literally shutdown.As you can clearly tell, track isn't exactly my favorite activity. I'm more of a couch potato kind of girl but when it's really important, I can really prove myself .

"Lee!" I abruptly stop and turn to the source of the yelling . I notice Carson's figure jog my way and tightly engulf me in a bear hug."Hey" I respond hugging him back. My relationship with Carson is what you would describe as simple yet complicated. It's simple because we have a common understanding but complicated because long story short, I developed strong feelings for him in middle school but the receiving end never seemed to return the emotion. We did talk about it and decided it would be better to remain friends? In my opinion, it was a basic friend zoning but things are great now. Those feelings eventually died down.

A thunderous growl erupts from somewhere behind me. I turn around startled from the growl and suddenly come face to face with the most gorgeous dark brown almost black eyes that seem to captivate all my attention. At this point , I'm completely detached from Carson and slowly stalking my way to mystery guy with the brown eyes as the four letter word escapes my lips,"Mate"

Chapter two 😊 picture of Hayley above

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