Chapter twenty one

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Hayley's POV

"Are you serious right now?" I practically yell at Christopher as he looks at me as though I've made the most unrealistic request. "Of course I am Hayley! Why would I be joking, especially about this?" I flinch slightly but gain my composure nonetheless. He notices this and visibly calms down but only the slightest.

An uneasy feeling sets at the pit of my stomach as I come to my next conclusion. "You know what, I'll just make things easy for the both of us and go." I start to march out the room but Christopher's tall frame blocks me.


"Here we are." Christopher turns off the car engine and turns to look at me, "Surprise." He whispers to me as he leans in closer. "Not so fast lover boy, I still haven't forgiven you." I push his face away and pull on the most serious face I can master. I'm honestly not mad at him, I just want him to think that because truthfully, know one can object my true opinion on the vampire diaries. It's petty of me but it's a fact at the end of the day.

I step out of the car and walk closer to the entrance of the house. It's perfection in its simplest, that's all I can say about it. It's design is unique in the best way. I've never really understood the term 'love at first sight' until now. "How can I make it up to you then?" He stands next to me and puts his hand at the small of my back. I tap my chin in pretense thought and keep my eyes trailed on the ground. "Well you could admit you're wrong and sing the Hannah Montana theme song for me." I smile evilly at him as he  looks slightly taken back for a moment but quickly shapes up. "Hannah Montana, really? Are you sure you're seventeen?" His eyebrows raise as he stares down at me with an amused expression. I roll my eyes and proceed to move to the door. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to show me around?" I turn my head slightly and call out.

"Pushy, I like it." He reaches my pace and tugs on my arm. "This sweetheart," He gestures to the beauty in front of us. "is the pack house." He rests his arm around my shoulder and looks down at me. I stare at it in awe. "Your alpha must have great taste then." I look back at him smiling but he seems taken back. Wonder what that's all about. He shrugs lightly before he speaks. "Come on, you're yet to get the actual surprise."

The inside of the pack house is amazing. Its wooden interior clashes magnificently with the furniture. The dim lighting seems to bring this simple yet comfortable setting. Christopher pulls me along to the kitchen. He lifts me up and places me on the island counter top, as if I didn't weigh a thing. Butterflies erupt at the pit at the stomach. Sparks spread throughout my body from the skin to skin contact. His hands linger abit on my waist, the sparks doubling even more as it spreads through out my entire system. Damn it! I shouldn't have worn a crop top. "Why not, I like your little out fit." Christopher speaks, pulling me out of my thoughts. Crap, I can't believe I said that out loud. He chuckles softly and turns to the cabinet and pulls out some pasta. "I," he gestures to himself, "will be cooking for you."

Maybe I should just eat right, I mean it's only been a day since I last ate. It can't do any harm right? "Hayley, Hayley." I feel the familiar sparks on my arms as my vision clears out. The first thing I notice is the familiar dark brown eyes with worry in them. "Are you okay?" He smiles at me and squeezes my arm. "I'm good, I'm good. I was my own world I guess." I sheepishly smile and look down at my bare legs. I have a lot to loose. He lifts my chin up and examines my face. "I know there's something wrong Hayley, I can feel your anxiety." His thumb gently strokes my cheek. " I promise I'm fine. Lets just get back to the cooking." I smile and move a bit to my left, creating enough space for me to jump down. He sighs out loud but doesn't say anything. I move over to the chopping board and start cutting some vegetables.

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