Chapter four

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Hayley's POV

I am so exhausted at this moment. Not even today's special at the cafeteria can take my mind off from how tired I feel. Earlier today after my encounter with mysterious guy with the brown eyes AKA Christopher, coach Carter decided to punish the three of us (Christopher, Carson and I). We had to do the soccer teem's pre-warmup dril, mainly consisting of; 50 push ups, 10 laps, 2 minute planks, 70 walking lunges and finally 30 jump squats. Surprisingly, I was able to eventually finish all the drills. Although it wasn't exactly fair because the guys were able to finish 10 minutes before me. To say I was somewhat embarrassed would be un understatement of the century. My face was burning red and the fact that Christopher kept 'accidentally' brushing his arm against mine wasn't helping the situation either.

"Hey Lee." Claire's greeting pulls me out of my thoughts, "Remember me? Your bff that was MIA in your journey to miraculously loosing weight. May I just say Wow! You look A-M-A-ZING! Seriously, you could put Jennifer Lopez to shame if you wanted to." She comes to a halt as I raise my head from the table."J-Lo? Really? I think that's pushing it a bit with the exaggeration  ." I chuckle at the statement as she smiles at me." Oh come on, not everyone can wake up one day and decide to have your D cups or ass! Serious matters now. What's going on with you and new bee mr. Mchottie? From what I've heard and SEEN, he can't seem to take his eyes off you." She smirks as something behind me catches her attention. I simply ignore it and think of a response to her question "Number one, you and everyone else must be seriously going blind. Just because he saw something he might have liked doesn't mean he's been 'gawking' at it all day. Number two, nothing and I mean nothing is going on between the two of us. Okay? It was just a slight moment of attraction. Nothing more, nothing less." She slowly nods her head at my slight outburst, smirk still intact.

"Well I won't take your word for it because mr. Mchottie hasn't stopped looking this way, particularly at you since he walked into the cafeteria." She leans back in her seat across from me as she stares at something directly behind me. I roll my eyes at her as I turn to see what she has been looking at.

To my surprise, it was none other than 'mr. Mchottie' (note the sarcasm) staring straight at me. Sadly, our stare fest was cut short by someone blocking my view.As Carson makes his way towards us, a small smile tugs on my lips as a reply to his jaw dropping grin. "Laire, Hails." He greets us as he plops himself down on my right. "Hey Carson." Claire answers as I glare daggers his way. "Is the feisty kitty PMSing again?" He asks as he playfully pinches my cheek. I childishly growl at him , earning a chuckle from both of them." Not funny." I grumble as my lower lip pouts earning another aww from Claire ." Laire, you should have seen her during gym class. I have never seen anyone with arms so wobbly at a plank position. In my life!" He burst out laughing towards the last part of his statement.

"Oh please Carson . Seeing you sprint is like watching another episode of ridiculousness. Lord knows how many times you managed to stay on your feet. Seriously though,what will you do if there's ever a rogue attack? You can't expect to fall on them to death ." At this, Claire full on bursts out with her absurd cackling, bringing all laughter to a halt. Carson places an arm over my shoulder with a playful yet serious look."I really think we should call Nat Geo wild and tell them we found the missing hyena." He exclaims as he looks back at Claire. She snorts,"That's easy for you to say, not everyone has the ability to put Bella Swan's  clumsiness to shame." flipping her brown hair over her shoulder .

We all suddenly burst out of laughter,recalling the statements that were fired at each other. The bell rings, bringing the joyful moment to an end.

Chapter four guys 😊. Btw the picture at the top is Carson or blondie as mr. Mchottie refers to him as

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