Chapter fourteen

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Hayley's POV

"What do you mean I can't become alpha? You said it yourself, when Ree and I turn eighteen I'd become alpha!" I yell at father and stand from my seated position. I can feel the anger increasing within me as father gives me a look as if he's asking me to challenge me. He to rises from his seat behind the desk and raises an eyebrow. "Sit. Down. Hayley." He grits through his teeth in an unexpectedly calm tone. "No! I will not pa. " My voice gets even louder as I take slow steps towards his desk, "Do you really expect me to listen to you after going back on your word? You are so unbelievable!" I cross my arms over my chest, standing my ground.

"What's happening in here?" I hear mother question from the doorway. All attention is drawn towards her as she gives father and I angry looks. "Parker, what is going on?" She asks him with a more calm and motherly tone while placing both hands on her hips. "Well mrs. Monroe-" "Pa's being unreasonable and choosing to revoke my alpha position before I can even get it." I angrily speak, cutting Parker off. Mother's brows scrunch up as she eyes father with an even angrier facial expression. "Steven, why would you do that? We've talked about this before." She lowers her tone and shakes her head in a disappointed manner. "Sweetie can you and Parker leave your father and I alone for some time?" She asks as she tries to keep her anger at bay. Her fists clench as she uses her overly sweet voice as she address Parker and I. I nod and immediately leave with Parker, not wanting to test her. Mother has this scary thing about her when she gets mad. Lets just say she can easily put the hulk to shame when she's upset. "Kelly honey-" "No Steve, don't even try." Mother mutters, cutting father off as I shut the door.

Kelly's POV (Hayley's mother)

I step back as Steven tries touching my arm. I can feel how hurt he is from my actions through our mate bond but try and ignore it. "This is our daughter we're talking about Steve, why would you disappoint her like this?" I question, refusing to make eye contact with him. He sighs, "She isn't ready to be alpha. I don't want to put such responsibility on her only to have her overwhelmed by it. She's my baby girl, if anything happens to her from one of the hunting missions she'll have to go to when she alpha, I honestly don't know what I would do. It's just too big of a risk." running his hands through his hair, making it look even messier in a gorgeous way. He makes his way to his chair and sits, releasing another sigh. I hate seeing him like this. Last time he was this stressed was when I was heavily pregnant with Hayley and Reagan. I would puke out almost anything I ate and had really bad fevers.

I make my way to him and sit on his desk, facing him. He looks up to find me finally making eye contact with him. I give him a sad smile and reach out for his hand. He takes mine in his and plays around with my wedding ring. "I love you." He says, looking at me with his hazel orbs. I chuckle, standing up from the desk and making my way to sit on his lap. "I love you too." I say, leaning in for a kiss but pull away. "You know this doesn't change anything right?" I look at his whole face and notice his pout. "What do you mean?" He smiles towards the end of his question.

Playfully rolling my eyes, I place one arm on his shoulder and massage it, knowing it's his weak spot. "You know what I mean. You are going to give Hayley a chance to prove herself and not carelessly make decisions we all would regret in future. Okay?" I smile as I notice him gulp from my harsh tone and place a small kiss on his lips, making sure to linger a bit and abruptly pull away. "Now, get back to work. I'll be in the dance studio near the attic." I stand up but suddenly get pulled back down. Steven raps his arms around my waist and mutters a simple alright. I engulf him in a hug and play with his hair. "What did I do get such an amazing mate and mother to my children?" He asks after I pull away from the hug to look at him. As if his little question wasn't enough to make my heart melt, he gives me a full on grin. I smile back at him and play with his five o'clock shadow. "Okay Steven."

That's the chapter 😊. Kelly is officially the man. Her and Steven are solo cute. They are like marriage couple goals. Btw the picture at the top is Kelly.

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