Chapter thirteen

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Hayley's POV

I walk through the school doors , only to be met by an empty parking lot. Though, there is one car that just happens to belong to one of my most favorite people on earth. I jog over to the Chevy and enter the passenger side.

It's been way too long since I last saw Parker. His unusually skinny arms are now exploding with muscle. Exploding is a complete over exaggeration but you you get the concept. His dark blue eyes seem to have gotten lighter over the years as they are now almost turquoise like. His braces are gone and are now replaced with a perfect grin as he acknowledges my presence.

"Hey short stack." He greets and ruffles my hair, making me resemble an insane looking clown. I pull him into a bone crushing hug and squeal slightly with excitement. "I've missed you so much!" I finally speak as we both pull away from the hug. "You've clearly been spending too much time with C. How is she by the way?" He asks while starting up the engine. I didn't miss the blush that crept up his neck and cheeks at the mention of Claire. C was the special nickname he gave Claire after their garden wedding back in the third grade. She thought it was no big deal but to him, it might as well been the best thing that ever happened to him.

"She's great and single. It's just as a 'by the way' you know." I wink at him, knowing he'll try to deny his feelings for her. "And why would I need to know that?" He calmly questions with a shy smile. "Oh I don't know, maybe do what any logical person in love with such information would do. Just ask her out already. I've waited for eight years since forth grade and I'm not going to wait for thirty more. Just man up and ask her to be your girlfriend. If that's to hard for you, you could at least ask her to go steady with you." I slightly giggle as I notice his slight confusion. "Go steady, really? This isn't some John Travolta movie you know. Know one in this century asks someone their interested in to go steady with them." He raises an eyebrow while turning to look at me for awhile before his attention goes back to the road. I laugh in response and change the topic for his sake.


"Pa, were home! " I yell once Parker closes the door behind me. "In the kitchen !" He calls back. I make my way to the kitchen with Parker following closely behind. "Hi pa, how was your day?" I ask and sit opposite him on one of the stools around the kitchen counter in the middle. "Good princess." He looks up from his sandwich and smiles at Parker and I. My father didn't look that different from me apart from the race. His Cuban American while mother is full African American. Our only similarities are our hair and eyes. Our hair is a really dark brown but is confused with as black, especially when wet. Our eyes are hazel but the shapes are different. His are smaller while mine are much bigger and almond shaped, just like mother.

"Was there something you wanted to talk about?" I ask, trying to reduce the amount of silence. "Ah yes. Why don't we head to my office for further discussion." He responds, in an excited tone. Well that's odd. Father has never been the kind of person to show his emotions, until now that is.

Christopher's POV

I sigh in content and plop down on the couch in the living room. I'm finally able to say I'm at a good place with my mate. It would be cliche to say that I love her but in all honesty, I do. I know she isn't in love with me yet, that's completely understandable. As long as I'm with her, things don't have to be perfect between the two of us.

"Hi Chrisy." An annoying squeaky voice calls out from the hallway. Kill me now. "You're the one that caused this to begin with." Xavier grumbles as Monica's foot steps get louder. "Don't start with me Xavier." I worn him and block our link before he has the opportunity to respond. "Chrisy, I've missed you so mu- wait a minute, why is your scent different?" She asks while one hand places itself on her hip. "I would love to tell you but it's none of your business so move." I say while trying to get her to move from my view of the tv. I couldn't care less of what's playing on the tv but that seems to be my only escape route from Monica so, I think I'll take my chances.

Monica and I used to be homeschooled together since the fifth grade. By the time sophomore year rolled up, she was convinced we were mates and wanted me to take her out on a date. Me being the sensible person I am, let her down easy. However, she couldn't take no for an answer and forcefully kissed me. Since then, I've been trying everything in my power to get rid of her. Pack exchange programs, sightseeing, intense training camps,... The list could go on and on but no matter what, she would always make her way back here. Xavier blames me for all this because I didn't let her down the right way. Last thing I needed at the time was some irritating teenage girl crying all over the place on how 'I rudely rejected her'. Thinking about it now, that option would've been much better than this.

Picture of Parker at the top. Sorry for the errors on all the chapters. It's hard to edit when most o the words are being blocked by the keyboard (I'm writing from an iPad). Any who, that was the chapter 🙂

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