Chapter 6

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Niall's POV 

We're having an interview tomorrow. 

Fascinating, isn't it eh? I'm so excited!

And oh, please note the sarcasm.

"Do we really have to go tomorrow, Ni?" Harry asked me. We're laying in my bed for almost 30 minutes now after eating dinner. Wondering if we really, really, really have to go to the interview tomorrow.

"We can't let the fans know that we're having trouble now, can't we?" I answered.

"But... That interview would only be... so awkward. I mean, we're just going to mess it up and I can feel that it will only end with a disaster. Isn't that a bigger hint that we're in trouble?" 

"I thought about that too but it was already scheduled. We can't just back out tonight before the interview. Besides, Uncle Si don't want the management to know what happened first. They will only come up with a stupid decision just to cover it up." 

Silence filled the room again. We're both thinking hard, I guess. It's been an hour or so before I decided that it's time to sleep. But I texted the other three first to let them know about the interview and that we can't back out now.

Interview tomorrow at 10 am. Paul will pick you up wherever you are so I suggest you text him where you are. No backing out or the management will know. Unless you want them to make an idiotic decision then don't go. -N xx 

I sent the texts then face Harry who's still staring at the ceiling blankly, mind drifting off somewhere.

"Hey Haz, it's time to sleep now. We don't wanna be late. There would be no Liam to ring us nonstop until we wake up now." I said.

He looked at me then smile.

"Thanks, Ni. You're a really great friend."

"No problem. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep. Goodnight."



Paul picked us up first before picking Louis, Liam and lastly Zayn. I'm sitting in the back with Harry. Liam and Louis in the middle and Zayn in the passenger seat. Awkward silence filled the car and Harry can't stop fiddling with the hem of his his shirt.

Can't blame him. Everyone is so tense, I bet even Paul. I'm starting to bit my nails, it's what I do when I'm nervous, when suddenly Harry tugged my shirt. I looked at him and saw that he's confused. Eyebrows knitted together. 

He slapped my hand and said, "Don't."

I smiled at him. I look at the front again and saw that Louis and Liam slightly tilted their heads to look at us. Zayn look at us in the rearview mirror. They returned their gaze in the window then Paul look at us too in the rearview mirror and smiled. I think he's glad that atleast, not all of us are angry at one another and is still talking with each other.

When Paul stop the car, we saw that there are a lot of fans screaming and waiting for us to come out.

"Smile boys, remember the management." Paul reaminded us before we slowly emptied the car.

"Thanks, Paul." I said. Harry said his thanks to Paul too and he smiled at us.

I got out of the car first and I help Harry get out. When I turn around, the boys are eyeing us suspisciously.

Like, really? Ugh.

We signed some posters and CDs and pictures before we entered the building.

"Hello boys. Come, I'll lead you to the dressing room." We followed her as she talks to us.

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