Chapter 14

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Niall is bouncing down the stairs happily. No one really knows why he's so happy. Maybe because of what happened yesterday in the kitchen with Zayn. Or maybe because he's not Liam's personal punching bag anymore just since last night. Or maybe because Niall is back- the sweet, carefree, positive Niall.

But that's before he heard someone shouting. He jumped over the last few steps and hurried to the veranda where he saw Harry on the floor shocked at the same time angry, looking up at Zayn who's also looking back on Harry, shocked too, his mouth wide open and his eyes are like coming out of its sockets.

What surprised Niall most is the disgust written on Zayn's face.

"What's happening here?!" Asked Niall. But only silence answered him.

Harry looked down before smiling bitterly then looking at Zayn again. He stood up and turned away. He walked until he's just side by side with Niall- Niall facing the veranda, him facing the living room.

"I'm fine Niall. Yeah... I'm fine," before walking onto the hallway and there, he disappeared.

"What did you to him, Zayn?" Niall asked Zayn angrily.

"What?!" Spat Zayn.

"What what?!" Asked Niall back.

"Why do you look so angry at me? Harry already said he's just fine!"

"Fuck that! A tear dropped from his eyes and he's fucking alright!" Shouted Niall.

Zayn looked taken aback from Niall's suddenly cursing and shouting.

Niall shook his head in annoyance and disappointment. He walked back to the living room, hallway then up the stairs.

He stopped in his tracks when he arrived right in front of Harry's bedroom. He knocked three times, then another, and another. But to no avail.

Niall sighed deeply.

Fuck this, he thought.

He turned the knob- an instinct before forcing the door open- only to find it already unlocked.

God Horan, how can you be so stupid?!

He sighed deeply again before pushing the door open and it revealed Harry. A sobbing mess Harry. A wrecked Harry.

He looks like just expecting and waiting for Niall to come in and when Niall did, the curly one sprang up and ran towards the blonde one.

Harry clung on Niall like his life depended on it. And Niall just lets him.

He rub his hands on Harry's back, comforting the sobbing lad through silence.

When Harry calmed down a bit, Niall sat him on top of the bed- still clinging to him.

"Haz, tell me, what happened back there with Zayn?" Niall asked him softly.

"H-homophobic..." Harry said.

"Zayn's a h-homophobic N-ni! I told him t-that I'm g-gay and he suddenly p-pushed me away f-from him and that's w-why I'm o-on the ground e-earlier and he told m-me he thought L-louis' just angry at me t-that's why he c-called me a faggot and oh Niall!"

Harry sobbed more. Niall hugged him again comfortingly.

"Shh Haz. It's okay..." He whispered at Harry.

"I-if only y-you saw h-how d-d-disgusted he i-is... I-it's written all o-over h-his face N-ni..." Harry said, face still buried in Niall's chest.

"It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay Haz, trust me. Hush now, s-stop crying..." Niall said though the last sentence barely a whisper.

Because how can he say to Harry to hush and stop crying now when he, himself, can't stop a few (or maybe more) tears escaping from his eyes?


Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

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