Chapter 11

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Niall woke up by the sound of banging on the door. He groaned and brushed his hands to his hair down his face. He glanced to the clock to know the time. It's already 2:23 am.

Who the fuck would be banging on the door at this very fucking hour?

He thought.

Would it be Zayn?

And then he remembered what happened last night in the kitchen with Zayn.

He automatically groaned.

Then he heard another banging on the door, louder. He got up from his bed and headed to the door of his room.

Can't the others be nice to open up the door? What if I'm not here? Who would open that fucking door?

He thought while heading down the stairs. He just opened the door when a fist landed on his face.

"What the-?!" He's ready to punch back when his attacker jumped on him. That's when he saw Liam's face.

"Liam? What the fuck? Get off me!" He tried to get away from Liam but he's holding him tight.

"No, Niall! No!" Liam shouted at him. Tears on his face.

"I hate you Niall! I hate you!" And then Liam punched him again. This time, a little bit weaker.

Niall noticed that Liam's drunk.

"You're drunk Liam! Get the fuck-"

"No! Why are you always on the side of Zayn, huh?! I thought you were my friend!" Liam clutched his shirt.

"What are you talking about? I ain't on anyone's-"

"Liar! You know that he fucked my ex-girlfriend! And you know that I'm planning to proposed to her!" Liam kept on shouting at him.

"And that! That fucker that you chose to comfort ruined it all! He ruined it all Niall!" Liam started to throw punches on him again.

The first one a little hard Niall bet it will make a little bit bigger bruise than the others.

"And you chose..." Liam swallowed, "You chose to comfort him after.. after our confrontation!"

Liam is starting to stutter due to him being drunk and because he's crying.

"You didn't even ran after me Niall! Y-you're so u.. u... unfair!"

"Liam let me explain, okay? Let me-"

"Then explain!" Liam cut him off.

"No, not now Liam. Not in your state right now. Not when you're drunk." Niall replied.

"Unfair..." Liam shooked his head, "You are so unfairr..!"

Liam then stopped shouting and he laid his head on Niall's chest, his grip on him loosened and he continued to sob uncontrollably.

Niall laid still on the floor even before Liam stopped throwing punches at him.

He rub his hands on Liam's back while saying comforting words and a lot of 'I'm sorry'.

They stayed on their position until Liam fell asleep. Niall tried so hard to carry Liam to his room.

He took off Liam's clothes to make him more comfortable. He wiped the last trace of tears in his cheeks before kissing him on his forehead.

"I'm really sorry Li." He looked at him one last time before exiting his room.

The next day...

Liam woke up with a pounding head. He can't remember what happened last night. Though he noticed his knuckles a little bit swollen like he punched someone.

Oh shit, did I fought with someone?

He tried to recount what happened last night but his head only hurts more.

All he remember is that, he went to a club though he know they're forbiden to go outside alone. He can't help it, he needed fresh air. He wanted to get out of their suffocating house.

Besides, Zayn's been doing this too. So why not me?

He thought.

He glanced at the clock to see that it's already past eleven. Then, his eyes caught the sight of a glass of water and medicine for headaches on his bedside table with some kind of a note.

He took the paper and read it.

'Hey Li! I know you'll be suffering a major headache when you wake up so here's some medicine. Drink it and the headache will go away. Love lots, Ni. xx'

He smiled on the note.

After taking the medicine, he took a shower to refresh himself. He then proceeded to the kitchen to eat something since his stomach is already grumbling. He found Harry sitting on the counter munching something. He greeted him.

"Nice stunt you did there, Payno," Harry, instead of greeting back, said.

"I bet you hit a sensitive spot there." Harry said again before winking.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"What are you talking about Harry?" He asked.

Harry lifted his eyebrows.

"You don't remember?" He asked Liam.

Liam only looked at Harry puzzled.

"So you really don't remember, huh?" Harry chuckled, amusement in his eyes.

"Well no, that's why I'm asking."

Liam got a bowl and a box of cereal before asking again.

"So what did I do last night? Did I screwed up some things?" He poured some cereals on the bowl.

"You bet, ha!" Answered Harry before going to the sink to wash his hands.

Because of Harry's answer, Liam eyed him curiously and worriedly.

"You see... You just-" Harry was about to tell Liam what he did to Niall when someone spoke.

"Stop it Harry."


Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

I Will Fix You (Ziall)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora