Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

Its been been five days since that day that I argued with Harry. Its been been five days since he stopped talking to me again. Its been been five days since Liam took the habit of getting drunk every night. Its been five days since I've officially became Liam's punching bag.

Five days. Five fucking days of pure hell.

I can't believe I'm letting all of these things happen. I can't believe I am doing all of these.

Harry was right. I am stupid. I am insanely stupid.

I'm like the other boys now. Always out of this world. Thinking things over and over again.

Maybe I'm only hungry.

Right. Maybe this is just hunger. Now that I think of it, I've stopped eating for three days now. I'd just threw everything up whenever Liam beat me up.


Beat me up?

Oh right. Fuck. I've been letting myself get beat up by Liam.

Getting yourself injured by Liam is undeniably the wrong way to fix all of these, you stupid Horan.

Why am I such a big idiot these days?

Now, I'll feed myself 'til I puke and then think of something brilliant to fix all of these.


I am happily bouncing until I arrive in the kitchen where I saw Zayn.


"Oh, h-hey Zayn." I greeted. He looked up to me from his empty.plate.

"Hey." He greeted back.

What a nice greet. Please note the sarcasm.

He was about to look away when he noticed something on my face, I think.

"What happened to your lips Niall?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"L-lips? What happened to my lips?!" I asked frantically.

"Uhh, that's why I'm asking you. It's bruised." He said.

And then I remembered how Liam punched my face big time last night.

"Oh. I, uhh, I tripped."

Can't I have any other excuse?

"It's nothing. It doesn't hurt that much anyway." I said again.

"Are you sure? Let me take a good look at it." And then he walked up to me.

I don't honestly know why he's being so nice to me right now or why he looks so worried over me but- holy shit, he cupped my face and he's leaning closer and closer and closer and I can hear my heart go thump. Thump. THump. THUmp. THUMp. THUMP!


My heart just exploded. I'm sorry but me, Niall James Horan of One Direction, is officially dead because of heart attack caused by none other than Zayn Jawaad Malik.


Just joking.

But seriously, his face is too close.

"Z-zayn.. uhm..." I can't believe I managed to mutter his name.

"Hmm?" He hummed. Still looking at my lips.

"Y-you're a little bit c-close..." Gosh, I'm stuttering!

"Actually,you'retooclose." I said a little bit fast.

And that's when, I think, he realized that he's rather too close.

From my lips, his gaze went up to my eyes. The position of our faces not changing.

Does he have to look directly at my eyes while our faces are only a few inches apart?

Like seriously? I totally look like a fangirl but if you're in my position, you would definitely act the same way as I do.


Oh? Oh?! What the heck?

"'M sorry." He said again. Then he let go of my face and turned away.

And the atmosphere got more awkward.

"I, uhh, I need to go. Yeah. See you around." He then flashed out of my sight, out of this kitchen, out of this house, out of my life.

Just joking.

Shit. I'm joking with myself. What the heck is happening to me?

He left me there staring blankly on the doorway of the kitchen and then my gaze turned to the table. I laughed. Slowly and not so loudly at first until it became more insanely.

I swear, I look like a psycho maniac right now.

Let me get this straight: I'm inlove.

And yes, I'm inlove with none other than that stupid Zayn Malik.

And that idiot just left his used plate on the table, unwashed.

So what does he mean by this?

Let me clear this one: I may be inlove with him but I will never wash his used plate. (Only when we're together finally.)

Unfortunately, we're not. So it's a big NO.


Somebody answer meee!

Sorry for the typos and grammatical error.

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