Chapter 12

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Liam and Harry turned their heads to the doorway. They saw Niall standing there, hands inside his pockets.

"Oh hello there, Niall!" Harry said. Niall just looked at him.

"Hey- Wait, what happened at your face Ni?" Liam walked to him but Niall stops him.

"Nah. I'm fine Li." Answered Niall.

"But how did you had all of that?" Liam asked again.

"I, uh, I t-tripped."

Harry chuckled at Niall's answer.

"How many times did you tripped to have that lot of bruises, Ni?" Harry said smirking.

Niall looked at him irritatedly. Niall then turned to Liam.

"Im fine Li, promise. Now if you wouldn't mind, please excuse us. I need to talk to Harry."

Niall pulled Harry's sleeves.

"H-hey Niall, stop pulling my shirt!" But Niall continued to pull him until they arrive in his room.

Niall pushed Harry inside then he came in next, he then pushed the door close.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Harry?!" Niall shouted at Harry.

"Me?! Maybe its, what the fuck is wrong with you Niall?!" Harry shouted back.

"Me?! I'm not the one who's trying to tell Liam the happenings last night!"

"And I'm not the one who's trying to hide to Liam that he fucked up last night!"

They both stared at each other before Harry leaned in a little closer.

"What are you doing Niall? He punched you hundred times last night, he even told you he hate you! Why won't you tell him?!" Harry whispered-shouted.

Niall then turned away before sighing.

"He was drunk Harry. He wasn't aware what he said, what he had done."

"Oh yeah? You really believe that?"


"You're so stupid Niall."

Niall turned back to Harry.

"He's hurt Harry! He's confused! Should I give him something more like things to guilt over? He's going though a lot already!"

"And he hurt you too, physically and emotionally, by doing what he did to you last night!"

"Why do you keep on bugging Liam?! He's not the only who hurts me! Just think what you're doing to me! You're so cold, you don't even talk to me!"

"So now it's about me?!"

"Well yes. You brought up the topic about people hurting me so practically, you will be in this conversation!"

"I'm not cold towards you Niall."


"Why me, then? Why only me, huh? When it comes to Liam, you won't even tell a single thing! But then, here's me, and you're telling me how I'm so fucking "cold" to you!" Harry air quoted the word 'cold'.

Niall ran his hands through his hair down his face.

"For fucks sake, that's different! We're a team Harry! We're the one who's supposed to be together making plans on how we can fix all of this bullshit but then, you suddenly went all fucking cold to me leaving me hanging by the edge!"

"I have my own problems too Niall. And I need time to sort out myself!"

Niall sat on the bed, burrying his face on the palms of his hands. He sighed loudly.

"Just... just leave it Harry."


"Please Harry. Leave me alone."

A long silence fell over them. Harry's looking at Niall intently who's still gazing down.

"This conversation is over." Niall said again.

"Fine. But always remember this Niall: you know how its like to be drunk and you know it's not true that you don't know what you're doing. Besides, angry and drunk people are always the honest ones."

Harry left, leaving Niall staring into nothingness.



I don't like author's notes but I need to say something. I'm really sorry about the lack of Ziall actions. I mean, it's not like they can fall in love in the midst of all these chaos, right? I promise you, it'll get better in time.

And thanks for 200+ reads lovelies. xx

Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

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