Chapter 15

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The next morning, Niall opened his eyes to see he's in another room- Harry's room to be exact. He turned to his right to see Harry all cuddled up on him.

Harry looks so peaceful and calm. Niall loves to see Harry like this since it seems to him that it had been months since he saw him this serene.

Niall smiled.

He looked up at the ceiling again thinking about things that happened yesterday and he started to tear up.

Zayn's homophobic.

Why? Niall thought.

He felt Harry stirring up so he blinked away the tears that are trying to escape his eyes.

"Hey Ni. Good morning." Harry greeted in his groggy voice.

"'Morning Haz. You okay now?" Niall asked.

"Yeah... I think." And then Harry sighed.

"I wanna sleep again Ni."

"Don't you want to eat breakfast first?"

"Nah. I'm fine. Will you just please stay with 'til I fell asleep again?"


Niall let Harry cuddle up again with him. He waited until he felt Harry's breath steady before he slowly untangled himself from him and rolled out of bed. He's stretching while making his way to the bathroom.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth. He then changed with Harry's shirt throwing his used one in the laundry basket inside Harry's room.

He took a look at Harry's face once again before he goes out of the curly lad's room.

He went, of course, to the kitchen. He can hear his tummy rumble. He bet the dragons inside his tummy are already raging of hunger.

However, Niall lost his appetite when he saw who's inside the kitchen drinking beer.

"Too early for a beer." Niall said.

"So what? You don't care." Spat Zayn.

"Of course I do." Answered Niall.

"Oh c'mon! We both know you're angry at me!" Shouted Zayn.

Niall walked to the sink, turning his back on Zayn.

"Why did you do that anyway?" He turned to face Zayn again, leaning on the sink.

"Do what?" Zayn questioned.

"You've hurt Harry's feelings Zayn. So much."

Zayn didn't answered. He's shaking his bottle of beer before drinking it. Niall's just staring at him intently.

Zayn, feeling Niall's stare burning in his face, looked up to meet his eyes.

Brown and Blue.

"I hate gays."

And with that sentence, Niall fumed up with anger and rage.

"What the fuck Zayn?! Harry's your bestfriend! He should be an exception!" Niall hit the table with his fist making Zayn's beer stumble and spill.

The contents made its way down on the floor where Niall noticed some more beer cans.

"I-I can't..." Zayn said. He brushed his hands through his hair and pulled it.

He then turned away and walked back to he hallway and Niall heard his footsteps going up on the second floor.

Niall sighed and did just what Zayn did, he pulled his air out of annoyance.

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